Chapter 53

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(Alison POV)


I peep an eye open.

Emily is to my left.

I need something.


I get out of bed and go to the kitchen.

Nope. Nothing...

I quickly put my hair into a messy bun. Then I throw on sweats and a baggy long sleeved shirt and some slippers and go out to the car.

I drive to the Starbucks all the way across town and get a Strawberry Frappuccino. I put that into the cup holder and drive to the nearest convenience store and get my favorite brand of pickles and then drive home.

I get out of the car and sneak back into the house... or so I thought.

When I get there, Emily is standing in the kitchen near the back door with her arms crossed over her chest as she leans against the wall as if she were expecting me.

"Heyyy em..." I say, dragging out the first word while walking over to the table with my Frappuccino in my left hand and the jar of pickles in my right hand in the bag still.

She steps in front of me, peering down at me.

"Where were you? I was so worried Ali. You didn't take your phone and didn't bother to leave a note." She says.

"Baby, I'm fine. I went to Starbucks and the store down the street." I say as I grab her hand.

"At 3:30 A.M.?" She asks.

"What? I have cravings." I say.

"Really?" She asks.

"Hey, it's not fair! I have so many cravings and you didn't have any. And you barely had nausea. Do you know how many times I've puked this week?! No! You don't! You didn't have these symptoms!" I shout at her and roll my eyes.

I walk past her and sit at the dining room table opening the jar of pickles and taking off the cap to the Frappuccino.

"Ali, I get that you have cravings, but what are you doing?" She asks

"What does it look like?" I say in a bitchy tone as I dip my pickle into my Frappuccino.

Emily makes a gagging noise.

"Ali, that's so disgusting." She says as she sits next to me.

"Try it." I say and try to hand her the pickle.

She chuckles.

"I'm good." She says.

I shrug.

"Suit yourself." I say and shove another pickle into my mouth.

"Gosh..... so do you know when you're going to be coming back up to bed?" She asks.

"Umm probably 10 minutes or so. Baby wanted food, baby gets food." I say and shrug my shoulders.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to bed then. Goodnight." She says and kisses my check.

"Goodnight." I say back.

After the ten minuets, I put the shit away and go up to bed and try to sleep. We have my first sonogram today.

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