Chapter 60

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Emily POV

Alison is such a good mom, but sometimes it makes me feel like I'm a bad one. She's so good at it and it's so natural to her. I just wish I was as good as she is.

Right now, she's playing hot potato with the kids in the living room. It's not fair. It's like they like her more than me. I'm always stuck having to be the hard-ass parent who disciplines and stuff like that and to be honest, I think the kids are a little afraid of me.

It really sucks.

I really need to talk to Ali about it.

"Uh, babe? Can you come here a sec?" I ask her.

She looks up, and then comes over to me after telling the kids to continue playing and kissing both their heads.

"What's up babe?" She asks.

"Can you tone it down a little with the kids? Please?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" She asks, with a tone.

"The kids like you more than me. It's not fair. They spend more time with you than they do with me and it's completely unfair. They love you more. They hate me. I'm not good with them. I'm always stuck having to be the disciplinarian in this family, and I don't like it." I say.

"You don't like it? Or you don't like our family?" She asks, with tears in her eyes.

"What are you even talking about?" I ask.

"It's a question Emily. One or the other." She says, pissed with tears building in her eyes, as well as mine.

"I'm not doing this right now!" I shout and stomp out of the house, and take a cab to Hanna's house.

Alison POV

What the hell was that?

Better yet, where the fuck did it come from?

"Mommy?" I hear a scared little voice ask.

I turn to see both of my babies with tears in their eyes.

I wipe the tears that cascaded down my cheeks and sniffle.

I pick them both up and wipe both their tears.

"Mommy's here. It's gonna be okay." I say and pull them both into a tight hug as they cry into my shirt.

They're obviously not used to their mommies fighting.

"Where did mama go?" Asher asks.

"She just went out for a little bit, baby. It's gonna be okay. She'll come back." I hope.

"Why do you fight?" Lily asks.

"No reason, baby. Why don't we go shopping, yeah?" I ask, hoping to brighten their moods by getting them build-a-bears.

"Okay." They say.

I drive us to the mall, and we go to build-a-bear workshop. Lily gets a cute little pink bear with sparkly fur. And Asher got a little monkey. And then I ended up getting a simple little bear for the new baby.

"Okay, Lily, what did you name your bear?" I ask her.

"Her name is Perry." She says.

"Perry?" I ask.

"Like Perrywinkle." She says.

"Thats cute. And what did you name your bear, Asher?" I ask him.

"I named him Bananas." He says.

"Very thoughtful. I think it suits him." I say and poke the bears nose.

"What did you name your bear, mommy?" Asher asks.

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