Chapter 64

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Emilys POV

I woke up in the tent to hearing retching coming from outside the tent.

I get out of the tent, and see Ali hunched over and holding her stomach, about fifteen feet away from me, vomiting.

I smile.

I walk over there, and rub her back as she begins to calm down.

"It'll be okay, baby." I say softly.

She takes deep breaths to keep from crying.

She walks back to our car, and grabs a water bottle, and mint gum, and rinses her mouth out.

"Good morning." I say, and kiss her cheek.

She just shakes her head and helps pick up our camp stuff.

We go home and clean up a little bit.

"When do you go back to work?" I ask her.

"In a week." She says, as she makes us some breakfast.

"And you'll remember to relax, right?" I say.

"Yes" She says, annoyed.

Today is one of those days.

"I'm going to go pick up Lily and Asher from my moms house, do you want to come with?" I ask.

"No. I'll just relax here." She says, and bites into a piece of bacon.

"Okay, will the rest be ready by the time I get back with the kids?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says, and starts making more bacon.

That's like one of her biggest cravings.

"I'm not making scrambled eggs by the way!" She yells as I walk out the door. I giggle and shake my head.

I drive to my moms house, and I knock on the door, then enter.

"Kids, I think mama and mommy are here." My mom says to them.

I hear squeals coming from the living room and then footsteps.

"Mama! Mommy!" I head Lily yell happily.

"Where's mommy?" Asher asks.

"She's at home, making breakfast. C'mon, let's go and then we can get some." I say.

They get their things packed.

"Thank you mom, for watching them." I say.

"It was no problem. Really. I love spending time with them. And I can't wait to have another new grand baby! I'm so excited!" She says, and hugs me.

"We're excited too." I say, as we pull away.

"I bet. Thank you, Emmy." She says.

"For what?" I ask.

"For giving me them, and you and Ali. And the new baby. I'm just so happy with how your life turned out." She says.

"I am too, mom." I say, smiling as my kids run up to me with their backpacks on and big smiles on their faces, hugging me.

I kneel down and give them hugs and kisses.

"Okay, let's hurry home! Mommy really misses you guys." I say, and grab their hands.

"I miss mommy too." Asher says.

"You'll see her soon." I say, and kiss his forehead.

I help them into their car seats, then I drive cautiously home to Ali.

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