Chapter 54

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A/N: hope you guys don't find this chapter awkward, or something. I hope you don't hate it but I was hoping to do something like a time warp thing, where one of the twins (I'm thinking Lily bc she's more outgoing) somehow goes back in time when their mommies were in high school andwith -A. And they had to fight their way back to their time. I hope that's not too confusing.😂😂💗

(Lily's POV)
(Somewhat continued from last chapter.)

Mommy's singing.

I've always loved mommy's singing.


I wake up in a bed.

Where am I? This isn't my room...

"Mama? Mommy?" I call but I get no answer.


No answer.

I walk out of the room and go to the kitchen of this house and find a cereal bar. Yum.

Then I hear a door shut.

"Mommy?" I call out.

The person comes into the room. That's Loser Mona. Oops. Mommy says not to call her that...

"Hey, How did you get in here?" She asks me.

"I-I don't know..."

"Well, who's your mom?" She asks.

"Which one?" I ask.

"You have two mommies?" She asks.

I nod my head.

"What are their names?"

"Alison and Emily." I say.

She looked lost in thought.

"No." She muttered under her breath and shook her head.

"What do you mean no?" I ask putting my hand on my hip.

"I'm gonna take you to the police department and we'll find your mommies, okay?" She asks.

I nod.

After a short ride, we end up at the police station.

I get out of the car and walk in with Mona.

They take me into a room and I wait there alone.

Then I hear a door close and I see aunty Aria, Aunty Spencer, aunty Hanna, mama, and then mommy walk down a hall.

I quickly stand up and run behind them.

"Mama, mommy wait!" I shout after them.

They look around, confused. Then continue to their cars.

They all depart and get into their cars, when I hurry up and run I to mommy's car when she wasn't looking.

When she's in, I pop up from the back seat.

"Mommy?" I ask.

She looks back at me, startled and wide eyed.

"Whoa, Hey, I-I'm not your mom." She says.

"Yeah you are." I say giggling. She's gotta be joking, right?

"No, I'm not. I would know if I had a kid. You're not my kid." She says.

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