Chapter 55

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(Alison POV)

After school, I went home to Emily.

Lily and Asher are still in school but ever since Hanna found out about my pregnancy, she's wanted me to come back to New York to see her and of course she wants to see Emily and the twins. Aria and Spencer will be there too.

I walk into the house.

"Hey." I say and peck Emilys lips and shed my jacket after waking I to our small foyer.

"Hi." She says after the kiss breaks.

"Did you get the bags ready?" I ask and put my stuff from work away.

"Yes, are you ready for spring break to start?" She asks.

"Beyond ready." I say.

"Im gonna make the twins some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for an after school snack." I say and start making them.

"Okay, I'm gonna pack the bags into the car." She says and grabs the smaller bags first.

"Okay." I say.

After making their snacks and getting the kids off the bus, I grab the last minute things that emily was bound to forget. Like phone chargers and toothbrushes and sunscreen.

"Let's get in the car!" I say to the kids and help them buckle into their car seats.

Then Emily and I get them some drinks and we start driving. We're driving from Beacon Heights to New York.

Long ass drive.

43 hours to be exact.




This is going to be fun.

About an hour into the drive.

"Mama? I'm bored."Asher says.

"Me too." Lily says.

"Can I watch Netflix on your phone mommy?" Asher asks.

"Baby you cant. I have to use it for directions but when we see a target I'll get you the screens." I say.

We pull off at target and get them tiny movie screens for the back of the headrest and headphones to connect to them. That way Emily and I can listen to music and they won't hear any of it and be engrossed in their movies.

After a few hours we stop and eat dinner and then we get back I to the car after we know everything is secure.

"Em?" I ask.

"Yes Babe?" She asks.

"Do you mind if I go to sleep?" I say.

"No, it's all good. I've got it." I nod and rest my head against the side of the window.

I'm awoken from my slumber by the screeching sound of tires and my seatbelt locking, I swear trying to go through me.

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