Chapter 52

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This chapter can also be called "I've basically run out of names for chapters so enjoy!🦔"*

(Ali POV)

"Umm....there's two lines mommy." She says.

Emily and I look at each other wide-eyed.

"Baby your pregnant!" Emily practically screams out.

I smile and nod happily crying as she brings me in for a tight hug.

"Mommy? There's a baby I your belly?" Lily asks.

I pull away from the hug and wipe away my tears.

"Yeah, Lilybug. There's a baby in here." I say, pointing to my belly.

"Really!" She shouts with a big smile on her face

"Really Lily!" I say.

She hops down from the bed and hugs me around my waist. Her ear on my stomach. Then she pulls away and kisses it.

"I was trying to hear the baby." She said.

"It's okay." I say and caress her cheek.

"Mommy?" I hear.

"Hey Asher. Good morning." I say, kissing his forehead and taking his hand, bringing him to the bed.

"Did we wake you?" Emily asks him.

He nods and rubs his eye.

"I'm sorry ashy." Lily says and hugs him.

I smile. She's such a good sister.

"Hey ash?" I ask him.

He looks at me.

"We got some news for you buddy." Emily says and kneels next to him.

"What mama?" He asks.

"Mommy is pregnant." She says.

His eyes shoot up.

"Really mommy?" He sounded disappointed.

"Really baby." I say and give him a half-hearted smile while caressing his cheek.

"Why? Why do you have to have another baby? I don't want another little brother or sister." He says, crossing his arms over his chest, tears in his eyes.

"Because, mama and mommy have enough love for all three of you guys. We love you all the same. We will never love you any less, because you are our children. You mean the world to us." I say while picking him up and sitting him in my lap, hugging him.

He jumps off my lap.

"I'm hungry." He says, annoyed.

Hangry? Same.

"Okay, let's make breakfast then." I say and poke his tummy to make him laugh.

He's mad, he will get over it. He has to, right?


I bend down to kiss his cheek and take his hand.

He gives me a half-assed smile and leads us all out of the room, and down the stairs.

"What's for breakfast?" Lily asks.

"What do you guys want?" I ask.

"Pancakes!" They exclaim.

"Alright, pancakes it is!" Emily says.

Emily and I make them Mickey Mouse pancakes with chocolate chips and a whole bunch of toppings.

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