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(A/N: let's just take a moment to appreciate how hot Sasha is.🔥😍)

(Alison POV)

The twins are going to be one in three days and Emily is supposed to be home this month. If she isn't there for their first birthday I'm gonna kill her.

I'm currently at school. My classes are currently reading the book called We Were Liars. The irony of this title...

"How does Cadence change from summer, to summer?" I ask my class.

A boy named Nolan raises his hand.

I call on him.

"She gets more and more depressed as she's spending all of this time away from her family." He says.

"Good," I was about to say more when my classroom door opened.

Revealing the one, and only, Emily Fields.

I gasp and clamp my hands to my mouth to keep myself from bawling like an idiot in front of my class.

Emily enters my class with her army suit on and holds her arms open to me.

I giggle through my tears and run up to her, and throw my arms around her neck and put my legs around her waist as she holds me up. I bury my face in her neck as I silently cry into her neck. Then a few coworkers come into my classroom to see the commotion.

"Surprise!" Emily says.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says.

I hop off of her.

"Guys, this is Emily, my wife." I say proudly, introducing them to her.

There were a few "hi's" from the students.

Emily waves.

"I'm going to go sit at your desk. You resume your lesson." She says quietly into my ear and kisses my cheek.

"Okay." I say and smile at her.

I continue to teach my class while smirking back at Emily every few minutes. She keeps looking at me with a love-drunk smile. I love her so much.

Finally after about 45 minutes, the last hour of the day is done and Emily and I can leave.

We walk into the parking lot and and she pushes me against the car, kissing me passionately.

We break apart, our chests heaving.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to do that." She says.

"God me too." I say and kiss her again, my hands cupping her cheeks.

"Damn DiLaurentis, keep it in your pants. Some students might see." I hear a voice say.

I look over and it's a coworker. Granger.

I roll my eyes. I've heard many rumors about him sleeping with several students.

"Says you, Lucas. Why don't you keep it in your pants when it comes to the youth you teach? Is it because you are desperate? Or want attention?" I ask.

He just rolls his eyes and walks to his car.

Emily looks at me.

"Damn, you shut him up." She says.

"I don't like him. If he does anything to piss me off, I'll make sure that the authorities see to that." I tell her.

We get in our car and drive home.

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