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Peter Parker-Romanoff was walking down the streets of manhattan. After awhile of walking he made it to stark tower. He walked inside and smiled at the lady behind the counter.

"Mr. Parker-Romanoff." She said and smiled back. Peter then got into an elevator and went up. The elevator stopped on the labs level. He jogged through the place dodging all the scientist and making sure not to mess anything up. He found bruce banner in his personal lab.

"Dr. Banner." Peter said.

"Peter you know you can just call me bruce." Bruce said to Peter. Pete smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I know. So you wanted to do the regular check up?" Peter said.

"Yeah. Tony can't make it. Business." He said. Bruce then brought up a table from the floor. Peter took off his shirt and hopped onto the table. Bruce then began the scans and everything. After several minutes of scanning and they all finished up Peter got up off the table and bruce pulled up a 3D hologram of peters body. "Ok. So here's what we got so far. There's not much change. Your muscle density is increasing like the last time. Still got some of the venom running inside your body. And I'm close to finding a chemical compound to quicken the rate of your growth. No new abilities though. Sorry." Bruce said. Peter shrugged. Peter remembered how they started this. It was nearly a year ago. So peter was 15 at the time.

Peter had just arrived from a field trip to Oscorp. Peter immediately went up to his room. When he got in a spider bit him on his hand. He immediately swiped the spider off of him and onto his desk. He then took an empty glass from his desk and trapped the spider underneath it. At first his hand only itched. Peter then took a piece of paper and moved the spider from his desk to a container with breathing holes just small enough for the spider to be unable to get out. He then moved the spider to his closet and continued to just scratch at the bite. Later on Peter was siting on the couch still scratching at the bite while watching tv. His mother Natasha came out of her room to check on him.

"Hey buddy. How are you?" She asked. Peter looked at his adoptive mom.

"I feel fine." Peter said then scratched at the bite again getting his mothers attention.

"Peter! Your hand!" She said. Peter looked at her confused.

"What its a little bug bite I feel fine it just itches." He said.

"Peter!" She said worriedly then grabbed his hand yanking it up to show his veins turning an unnaturally bright red and blue. Peter blinked at them, then again, and then he started to feel extremely dizzy and he looked at his mother before falling off the couch and onto the floor. Everything was fading in and out of focus. Natasha had picked him up and takin him down to Bruce's lab. Bruce began to scan Peter to figure out what was happening. It wasn't long before tony joined him in the lab. While they were inside checking on Peter Natasha was sent back up to hers and peters condo. After awhile bruce and tony were still in the lab with a unconscious Peter. Tony began looking through a screen with a 3D image of Peter in the current time ever time Peter tossed on the table the image mirrored his movement. The image was currently on the muscle layer of peters body. Then tony found something he considered odd.

"Hey bruce. Correct me if I'm wrong. Which in usually not. But this is considered strange right?" Tony said he took the image and put it on the big screen. "But Pete's muscles shouldn't be growing at this rate right? I mean last I checked growth spurts were never of this magnitude." Tony said.

"Yes your right?" Bruce said he began looking at other screen and soon came back to the image of peters muscles growing at a rapid rate. "It seems the venom of the spider that bit him is attacking his cells. But when they attack their not destroying the cells. Their changing the cells." Bruce said. Tony looked at him.

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