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Peter then took the others home. Harry was greeted at the entrance of stark tower by a limo. Felicity said they should take Ned home first. Felicity said she wanted to walk around and spend some more time away from her apartment with her relatives. After getting Ned home they walked down to the subway. They sat on a bench waiting for the train.

"So. Your mom was nice." Felicity said.

"Yeah. When she wasn't embarrassing me." Peter said back with a slight smile.

"You know now that she's got me thinking about it. I have to see those baby pictures." Felicity said teasingly. Peter blushed a bit.

"No way am I letting anyone see those. Way too embarrassing." Peter said. Felicity leaned onto peter. She looked up at him with her pretty blue eyes.

"Not even me?" She asked sweetly. Peter turned away as he blushed.

"I-I-I d-don't know." He stuttered. She smiled and laughed at him. He looked at her.

"I'm sorry. It's just your reaction to what I did." She said. She slowly stopped laughing and looked at him. "It was cute." She said.

"Aw Man! You just had to say I was cute." He said. Felicity looked at him a little confused.

"So?" She asked.

"You don't call a guy cute. A guys supposed to be manly. Not cute." He said.

"Oh. Well then I guess I should be calling you something cute. Just to take away from that masculinity." She said. She began to think of little nick names for Peter. Soon the train arrived. During the train ride she continued to think of nicknames. "Oh! I got it!" She said. Peter sighed.

"What now?" He asked.

"How about Petey?" She asked. Peter looked at her for a second. Deciding it was better then the other nicknames she had made for him he allowed her to call him Petey. Not long after the train stopped. Peter and Felicity got off the train and began to walk to her apartments. It wasn't a long walk to Felicity's apartment. It was only a few minutes before they arrived.

"So. This is me." Felicity said. Peter looked at the apartment building. Felicity then looked at her watch. "Perfect timing to. Only a few minutes before 10:00." She said.

"Well. I had fun." Peter said. He awkwardly rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah. Me too." Felicity said smiling a bit.

"Ok. Well. Uh... see you tomorrow." Peter said. He started to walk away.

"Really? That's it?" Felicity asked. Peter turned back around and looked at her confused.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Really? Was I not obvious enough? Or are you just that dense?" Felicity asked. Peter thought for a second.

"I don't know?" Peter said shrugging.

"Really? Thought I was obvious. I wanted to be taken home last even though my place is closer, said I'd like to see your baby pictures, hell I even made you a nickname." She said. Peter just acted confused not knowing where this was going. "Geez. Do I have to spell it out." Felicity said. She walked to him then grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. Peter was shocked by Felicity's actions. He had no idea she was going to do this. Not even his spider sense warned him about this. She then pulled away and looked at him. Peter was speechless. All he did was gulp.

"I'm ugh ... are you sure you want to be my uh... I mean we've only known each other for a week." Peter asked.

"Yeah. But I have a good feeling about you." Felicity said. Then her watch went off. "Shit. See what you made me do with your thick head. Now I'm out past curfew." She said. She looked at him again. "Then again I think this was worth it." She finished then ran to the building.

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