New family members

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When peter arrived it was a few minutes before closing. He walked in and found the necklace.

"I am sorry young man. We're closing. If you wish to window shop please go outside and do it." Said a stingy manager.

"You know if I wanted I could have you fired right now." Peter said. The manager laughed.

"Oh really? How so?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well. I noticed this store is one of many stores owned by Stark Industries. And would you like to know what I call mr. Stark?" Peter asked. He then opened his phone and found a picture of him and tony. "I call him uncle tony." Peter said showing a picture of him with the Stark's at his birthday party. The managers eyes opened wide with shock.

"I am so sorry. It's just... we were just robbed and I just finished putting everything back. I am so sorry." The manager said apologetically. He breathed nervously. "Uh... what could I do for you?" He asked.

"Well. Recently I saw my girlfriend looking at a piece of jewelry and I'm here to buy it as a Birthday gift for her since her birthday is New Year's Eve." Peter said.

"And which one would that be?" The man asked. Peter then walked to the window and pointed the crystal necklace out. "Oh. Your lady has a good eye. These diamonds come from the heart of Africa. And the metal is artificial but very durable. It's said that the metal can last several lifetimes. Would you like me to put it in a bag?" The man asked. Peter nodded and went to the register where the guy put it in a little bag and put some paper stuffing inside it. While he did that peter noticed a little bracelet with a cat theme to it.

"How much is this?" Peter asked.

"Oh. That is only a couple thousand. Would you like to get that as well?" The Guy asked.

"Yeah. My girlfriend loves cats." He said. Peter then handed the card and the man swiped it. A few minutes later peter was walking out of the store with a bag that held the necklace and bracelet in hand. And began the long walk back to stark tower. As he walked he congratulated himself. Not only did he get Felicity her birthday present. But a Christmas present too. All in one stop. As he walked he heard a whimper. Peter stopped and looked around. He heard it again. He decided it was coming from an alley that was off to his left. He went in and listened again. He then spotted a large cardboard box with its top closed. He walked to it and opened it to find a rather large black dog inside with another little black fur ball. Peter looked around then back at the dog that was now looking at him. He sighed knowing exactly what he was going to do. His kind heart would never let these guys just stay out here to freeze. He petted the dog and looked it over deciding it looked to be a Mastiff puppy (which are still pretty big). He then moved to the next one. This one had its back to him and was curled into a ball. When he touched it he knew it wasn't a dog. Why? Because it purred. This. This was a cat. The cat then moved it's head to look at him and stood up showing its feet were white as the snow. "Now. Who would leave you two out here to freeze in this cold weather?" Peter asked. He then shook his head as he took off his coat. It didn't bother him that he took it off. He did have a thermal suit under his clothes so it didn't really matter to him. He then picked up the dog and the cat and wrapped them inside his coat to keep them warm. Peter had to use his spider strength to lift the dog up. The rest of the way home he carried them all the way home. When he made it back to his home he found the place to be empty. He then took the pair to his room. He then set them down on the floor and began to look them over. He guessed they were both younger then a year because of their sizes, he also learned the dog was a boy while the cat was a girl. He then looked around the room. He had nothing for these two. No bed, No food, No bowls for food or water. If he was to keep them he'd have to buy them some necessities. He looked down to find puppy running around and jumping while the cat jumped onto his desk and curled up into a ball. Peter then yawned and looked at the time to see it was almost midnight. "Geez." He said. Just then he saw the dog make a sort of yawn. "Yeah. I'm thinking the same thing. So I'll take care of you two tomorrow. For now. Bed." He said. He then went into his closet and pulled out a big blanket and a smaller one. He then set it down and whistled for the pair. The dog bounded over while the cat walked over leisurely. The dog then got onto it and circled twice before laying down. The cat then laid down beside the dog as if they were best pals. Then again he found them in the same box. So it made sense. He put the small blanket away and when he came back he found them both fast asleep already. Peter smiled and then got into the bed and fell asleep.

The next day after peter woke up he went down to a local pet store and got two cages for them. He then got back to his place and put the pair into the separate cages. He then went out to the nearest Vet. As he sat in the lobby waiting his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID to see it was Felicity.

"Hey." Peter answered.

"Hey. I called to see if you wanted to go out today?" Felicity asked.

"I would. But I have a full plate today. Sorry." Peter said.

"Oh. What are you doing?" She asked.

"Ugh... things." Peter answered vaguely.

"And their more important then me? Your girlfriend?" She asked.

"No. Because they kinda involve you." Peter answered. It wasn't a lie. He had thought about and decided to give the cat to her. Although he'd probably be stuck with the cat since he doubt her family would allow her to keep it.

"Oh. Wait your just now taking care of your Christmas shopping for me?! Christmas Eve is tomorrow!" She said.

"Um. Sort of." Peter said.

"I see where your priorities lie. Well. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." She said. Then hung up.

"Ah man." Peter complained. She was clearly not happy with him.

"Peter Parker." A woman said. Peter stood up and grabbed the cages and went in.

"So Your mr. Parker?" She asked. Peter hadn't used his full name knowing some problems that might cause if you claimed to be the son of an avenger.

"Yes. I came to get these two checked on. I found them in an alley last night in a box. I couldn't leave em out in the cold so I picked them. So I knew it'd be best to get them checked." Peter said.

"Yes. It was really good that you came. There could be a number of problems. But you said you found them in a box so they were probably set out their cause the previous owner didn't have any room. But it's always good to check just in case." The Vet said and grabbed the cages. "Now I'll be back." The Vet said and peter went back to the lobby.

Time skip.

"Mr. Parker." The Vet called. Peter got up and took the cages from her. "So their both fine nothings wrong with either of them. But they are not protected from fleas so I suggest you go to your local pet store and get something to take care of that. I suggest you use this brand." She said and wrote down a brand.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to do that." Peter said then went back to his home to drop the pair off. After getting Karen to watch them he went to the pet store. There he got everything they needed. A single bed big enough for the both of them even when the dog is fully grown, a scratching post for the cat, chew toys for the dog, a litter box, and indoor potty pads for the dog since they live inside stark tower. Can't really go down the elevator and find a patch of grass for him to go to the bathroom on so potty pads will have to do. When he got home he found his mom by his door with a raised eyebrow.

"Care to explain?" She asked.

"My kind heart got the better of me." Peter said. Natasha sighed.

"You picked them up you take care of them. Now did you already take them to a vet?" She asked.

"Yeah. This morning. They will need to be house trained but I will take care of that. Honestly the cats for Felicity I'm just gonna have to take care of it because I don't think Their gonna let her keep it there at her apartment." Peter said.

"Ok. As long as you know you have to take care of them." She said. Peter then set everything up for the two and got to work.

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