Young avengers

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Today Peter and Felicity were meeting director Fury. They were waiting in the lab when he came in.

"So mr. Romanoff. I'm guessing your accepting the job." Fury asked.

"Yes sir. My only condition is I get to go on my regular patrols and she gets to join me." Peter said gesturing to felicity.

"Fine. Sounds good to me. An enhanced able to lift a couple thousand times his body weight and growing and a cat burglar who can tip the odds. Literally. Two superheroes for the price of one." Fury said.

"Exactly. Wait you knew?" Peter asked confused.

"Of course I knew. After I met with you to offer the job I ran into felicity in the halls. I noticed the similarities and put two and two together. Now. Suit up." Fury said. Peter and Felicity looked at each other before changing and following Fury. They walked through stark tower. He then directed them to the training room and into the virtual reality training room. "Stark. Get the avengers and young avengers to the VR training room. The spider and cat are making their debut." He said and smiled. Suddenly the avengers walked into the control room and the young avengers walked into the VR room.

"Young avengers. This is initiation battle. You are to battle the new recruits for the young avengers team. After which depending on the battle they will either be your new team mates or not." Fury said through the speakers. The room came to life and became New York City. "Young avengers meet the recruits. Spider-Man and the black cat." Fury said. Peter and felicity drop from the ceiling where peter had been standing while holding Felicity. "Ready. Begin!" Fury said. The avengers charged.

"I'll leave as many defenseless as I can. You take them down." Felicity said to peter he nodded and they went off. First up was Azari. He leapt into the fight, But felicity looked at him with her eyes and dodged he went to land but slipped and fell on his chest.

"What was that?" Irene asked.

"That has... never happened. I've never fallen over after a jump." Azari said.

"Well there's a first time for everything." James said. He was heading for peter. He threw a punch with his shield arm. But peter easily dodged it by bending backwards. After James pulled back peter came up with a punch of his own knocking James back a few steps. Peters spider sense went off. He moved sideways so an arrow wizzed by. He looked back to see a shocked Francis. Peter then shot a web at him. It wrapped around him leaving him immobile. He struggled to free himself but nothing helped. Then Torunn came and set him free. He blushed as he got up.

"Ugh. Thanks." He said to Torunn.

"No worries dear friend." She said before going into action.

"Ah man. She said friend." He complained. Meanwhile felicity was being the acrobatic she is and giving Irene a hard target to shoot. Felicity then used her powers on Irene and suddenly one of her boots malfunctioned and she crashed into the side of a building. She then proceeded to fall to the ground. She then stood up.

"Damage report!" Irene said.

"You seem to have lost all functionality in your left leg. This is all because a major circuit has been cut." F.R.I.D.A.Y. Said. Irene looked at the leg where the circuit is to find a cut she had gotten from Black Cat. "Geez. Talk about a lucky shot." Irene said. She then sighed. "Guys I'm grounded." She said then began to run across the field to get back in the fight. Now Peter was in a fight with the guys and Felicity was against the girls. James threw his shield at peters back but peter flipped over it. The shield hit the wall and bounced back to James.

"It's like he knows what we're gonna do. Like he's clairvoyant." James said.

"Yeah. Did you see how he dodged my arrow? He wasn't even facing it and he knew it was coming." Francis said.

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