Father daughter talk

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After school felicity said bye to her new boyfriend and gave him a peck on the cheek saying she'd text him later. She began walking to the bus station where Felicity got a ticket to a bus station by the prison. Once there she walked into the office.

"Can I help you?" A man said as he looked down at his paper work. He then looked up. "Oh. Just you. Yeah yeah. You know what to do." The officer said when he saw Felicity. This wasn't Felicity's first time at the prison. She'd been showing up at this place everyday since her dad was caught several years ago. After filling out the paperwork she turned it in and sat down and waited. Soon a door opened and a guard nodded at her to come in. Felicity walked into a room where there were several chairs with a telephone and a glass wall. She went and sat down in a empty chair. Not long after she sat down a man with white hair and blue eyes that matched Felicity's hair and eyes perfectly sat down across from her behind the glass wall. He picked up the phone as she did. When he had it up to his face he sighed.

"Felicity. I thought I told you to not come back. I don't want you to see me like this." The man said.

"I don't care dad. Yes you were a criminal but your still my dad." Felicity said. Mr. Hardy sighed again.

"Your just as stubborn as your mother." He said. He looked down sadly. "You remind me of her so much." He looked back up at her. "Everyday you look more and more like her. Soon you'll be just as beautiful as her. Maybe even more pretty then her. My god how much you've grown. It was like only yesterday you were the little girl I dropped off at kindergarten for her first day of school. Now you've grown into a young woman. Oh how much I've missed of your life in here. If I could I'd take everything back." He finished.

"You won't have to worry about this place much longer." Felicity said. Her father looked at her with a cold hard stare.

"Felicity tell me you didn't." He said. No answer. "Damn it felicity!" Mr. Hardy whisper yelled so as to not get the securities attention. He looked at them. "I thought I told you to not do that! Don't squander you life just for me! Do you know what your throwing away just to get me out!" He asked felicity.

"I know exactly what I'm putting on the line!" Felicity whisper yelled back.

"Then don't waste your one chance at a future on me." Mr. Hardy begged. "I've made my bed. I have to lie in it. Your still making yours. You can change it now before it's too late." He said.

"I have about 20% of the cash needed to get you out. I would have had all of it but that web slinging superhero spider-man stopped me halfway through the job." She said. Her father sighed in relief.

"If I ever see spider-man I'll be sure to thank him. Felicity here's what I want you to do. Take the stuff you stole and give it back before it's too late." Her father said continuing to beg his daughter.

"It's already too late. I already sold the stuff and I've already been paid." Felicity said.

"Then give the place you robbed the cash. Just stop now before your caught like I was." He said.

"I won't get caught like you were." She retorted.

"And what makes you so sure?" He asked.

"Because I have something others don't." Felicity said. She looked at a guard and her eyes changed. The guard started to walk but slipped and fell onto his back. He slowly got up groaning. Her father saw her eyes change then looked at the guard after he fell. He looked back at his daughter.

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"I have this gift. I can manipulate the chances of certain things and create bad luck for others. I can control who it happens to and sometimes how if I concentrate." She said still looking at the officer. Her father looked at her.

"Baby girl. Look at me." He said. She looked back at him. "Please. Don't do this. Use this power differently. Use your gift to do the right thing. Be better then I was." Mr. Hardy said continuing to beg.

"I will be better. I will be the best cat burglar ever and I will get you out of here." Felicity said stubbornly. Mr. Hardy swallowed hard as he saw his daughters stubbornness.

"As I said. Your just as stubborn as your mother." He said. He sighed. "Ok. Let's move on. How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine dad. Being with aunty Abbé is nice I guess. I'm going to school for junior year like you wanted me too." She said. She looked down and smiled a bit. "I met this guy. He's nice. His name is peter." She said.

"You met a boy?" Mr. Hardy asked with a small smile playing on his face.

"Yeah. He's really cute. I think you'd like him." She said. She started to beam. He looked at her a smiled a bit.

"I bet I would." He said he then took in her smile. He sighed once more. "This is exactly why I'm asking you to forget about me. Your having a life. You met a guy who is good to you and I'd be happy to meet him." Mr. Hardy said going back to begging.

"And you will!" She said determined.

"Yes! I will. But I want it to be the right way. Not after getting out of here because you got me out with bad money. I want to meet him here while he sits where your sitting right now and we talk man to man with this glass between us. See you smiling! Your having a life!" He said. Felicity started to get a little angry.

"A life which you deserve to be a part of! You may have been a criminal but you were still my dad!" She said. Mr. Hardy looked down sadly.

"I see now that you will not give up until your done. For that I'm sorry. But the next time we talk. The first words out of your mouth better be to tell me your done and your not getting me out of here with ill gotten gains. Good bye felicity." Mr. Hardy said. He then hanged up.

"Dad I'm not done! Dad! DAD!!" She said and banged on the glass as he stood up and walked away. She slammed the phone and walked out crying. She looked at the city that lay before her. She wiped away to tears and looked at the city lights. Now determined more then ever to finish her personal mission. After that she hopped on a bus and made her way back to the apartment. When she got home it was starting to get dark. Her phone buzzed. She looked and saw it was Peter. He had sent a text

'Hey everything alright?'-Peter

She looked at it for a second. Then texted back.

'Yeah. Im fine. I just went to visit someone. But don't worry. I'm fine.'-Felicity.

She then went to her room and pulled her briefcase out from under her bed and opened it to reveal her suit and the cash from the jewelry she sold. "I'm just fine." Felicity said aloud.

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