Battle of the spiders

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After dinner everyone went back to their places to spend the rest of the night to themselves. Soon it was time for everyone to go to bed for their nights rest. Peter retreated to his bedroom but didn't go to sleep. He changed into his suit and set his iron spider suit on standby. In case the fight went south. Peter then got into bed to make it seem like he's going to bed. Then after he was sure everyone was asleep peter got out of bed and after putting on the mask left his room heading for the location of the battle. Soon he arrived at a church. He walked towards a bell and looked at it to find the clapper to have been removed. Venom was already here. Peter got into the church to find the only person in the building sitting in a front row seat.

"Come to repent of any sins you don't want before meeting your creator?" Eddie Brock asked from his seat.

"Oh shut up. You only hate me because I got better pictures of myself and gave them to the daily bugle for a little extra cash." Peter said.

"Oh sure like you didn't already have a lot of cash behind you. Your the son of an avenger and needed some more money. I on the other hand could spare a little when I already lived in a crappy run down motel!" Eddie countered.

"You must be thinking of the starks. Because all of my money is in a bank account that's being saved to pay for college. I can't touch a single cent of it." Peter said.

"You still had money! I had nothing!" Eddie said. The symbiote reacting with his anger and coming to life.

"Why don't we drop the act. We all know the real reason your still angry is because the symbiotes making you angry. If the symbiote wasn't attached to you, you'd have already moved on. The three of us all know the symbiotes just butt hurt that I rejected it." Peter said

"Enough!" Venom roared in his alien voice. "We'll ssssssee who's the one hurting sssssoon enough!" Venom roared. The fight began venom leapt into action jumping all the way to peter on the ceiling. Peter got out of the way and punched venom in the jaw as hard as he could sending the alien monster into the wall. "You've gotten ssssstronger." Venom taunted. "Sssso have we!" He yelled before grabbing a piece of the wall and hurling it at peter who easily dodged. After he dodged he found Venom right in front of him. Venom slammed peter with the back of his hand. Peter flew down to the ground crashing into the pews.

"Ahhh. Yep. I can feel it." Peter said. He then saw venom launching himself at peter. Peter moved as fast as he could and got out of the way just in time for venom to slam his fist into the ground. He pulled his hand out and flicked his tongue through the air. Peter then activated his gauntlets. Venom laughed.

"Do you really think a ssssimple piecccce of armor like that could defeat usssss?" Venom asked laughing.

"I don't know. Powerful things can come in small packages." Peter said as he quickly moved to Venom and slammed a fist into him. This created a shockwave that sent venom flying back. As he got back up the venom symbiote was in pain. Venom was grabbing his head as if to cover his ears. The symbiote opened several times to reveal Eddie underneath. Slowly he ragained his composure.

"What wassss That?!" Venom exclaimed in rage.

"That was from a device of my own design. I know it was a matter of time before you two got back together. So I've been preparing for this for a long time now. I've created several things just to take you down." Peter said. Peter then chased after venom who was running from peter. "Who's the big guy now venom?!" Peter asked mocking venom.

"Ussss." Venom said. Then faster then peter could see venom moved and got behind peter. When peter tried to punch him venom grabbed his hands. "No more mr. Nice alien!" Venom roared as he crushed the gauntlets along with peters hands. Peter cried out in pain. Venom then tossed peter aside. Peter looked at his hands to find the gauntlets completely crushed beyond repair. Peter started to crawl away. Venom moved towards him and flipped him over with his. When peter was on his back he shot a web into venoms face. "Hahaha! You think you could slow us down with a web to the face? Better luck next time." Venom said as he began to absorb the web that was still connected to peters webshooters.

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