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It's Saturday morning. After peter woke up he fed Goliath and socks. Next he walked into the living room and flipped on the TV. And as always the tv was on the local news channel with his most favorite critic ever. J. Jonah Jameson. The guy never stopped ranting about how Spider-Man is a menace to society. He never shut up. Ever. Sometimes peter felt like shooting a web over his mouth just for some quiet. Peter was about to change it when he heard him say these word.

"Just last night that crazy spider freak brutally beat a group of small time theives." Jameson said. Peters eyes opened wide. He wasn't on patrol last night! "And we have proof! Here's a video of the menace caught in the act. Sadly though there is no sound. Watch at your on risk." Jameson said. He then played a video. Three robbers exited a jewelry store with bags. Suddenly something moved across the screen to fast to be seen and sent one of the burglars through the window of the store. The blur came again and crashed into another of the guys. The guy was slammed into the concrete and cracked the ground. And standing on top of him was a black version of spiderman. Venom. The last guy began unloading his gun at Venom. Venom didn't even move or try to dodge. But it didn't matter because nothing happened to the alien symbiote and its host. Venom then walked forward and grabbed the guy by the clothes and tossed him at the screen ending the video. "You've seen it here first people. Spider-Man has shown his true colors! He is a cruel, viscous, and extremely dangerous! I say we call the avengers to exterminate this freak! Get him off our streets and send him to a shield prison cell!" With that peter turned the TV off. After so long Venom is back. Peter started for the lab. When he got there he immediately changed and went out searching for venom.

Time skip

Peter was standing on a roof when he saw a black and white blur from another rooftop. Peter leapt into action and started to chase the blur down. As peter ran he caught a glimpse of the big white spider symbol on the back. It was him. Peter began to push himself harder and harder. Desperate to catch this villain who tormented him. Venom turned a corner with peter right behind him. But when peter turned to face venom. Venom was gone. Peter looked around but saw no venom. How could he have disappeared into thin air? Just then peters comm system went off.

"Peter come back to the tower. We need to talk." Said peters mother.

"Yes ma'am." He answered. He hung up then slammed his fist into the wall. Cracking the wall in the process. He turned around and web slinged away. After he was gone venom appeared from seemingly no where. The venom symbiote had camouflaged Eddie and itself.

"Yessss little ssssspider. Run home to mother." Venom said evilly.

When peter arrived he landed on the avengers helipad and walked in. When he was inside stark tower he removed his mask.

"Ah! There he is. Ok. Peter first things first. You didn't go out last night did you?" Tony asked.

"If your talking about the imposter who posed as me last night. No. That wasn't me." Peter said annoyed.

"See. Told you it wasn't him." Tony said.

"Then Who is this guy?" Captain America asked.

"Clearly someone who hates him." Natasha said.

"Any ideas of who pete?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah. Eddie Brock." Peter said.

"Wait? Didn't you put one Eddie Brock into prison?" Tony asked.

"The very same." Peter answered.

"Well That gives us the person and the motivation. But how is he able to replicate your abilities?" Clint asked.

"Could he have created tech to mimic his abilities?" Irene asked.

"It says here he was a news reporter for the daily bugle. How does a news reporter create tech to mimic abilities?" James asked.

"With the right conviction and with the internet of today I think anyone could do anything." Peter answered. Then the elevator doors opened and Felicity came out. As usual looking like the walking dead. Peter sighed. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Can you get felicity a cup of coffee." Peter said and named off what she wanted in her coffee.

"Thanks." Felicity said and sat on the couch. She then saw what the meeting was about and immediately woke up. Eyes wide open.

"You o.k.?" Jasmine asked.

"Fine. Fine. Just uh.... nothing you need to worry about." She said then looked down at her feet.

"Ok. Now. What should we do about this guy?" Francis asked.

"I can take care of him. I did it once I can do it again." Peter said sternly.

"Ok. Then. Sorry if I said something." Francis said.

"What I'm also curious about is why is it that he's using peters old costume design instead of his current one?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah. I mean that's pretty retro. When was it that peter last wore that design? Last March?" Tony asked.

"Yeah. Because that was when he went through that dark phase. Remember." Bruce said.

"Yeah. That was weird. But if that was the design he's going for what's with the bigger spider symbol. This one is thicker then peters design." Tony said.

"Yeah. But people can explain that as just being a change in design." Bruce said.

"True." Tony said. He sighed. "Ok. That's it. We just wanted to make sure this wasn't you." Tony said.

"Be careful peter. Stop this guy as soon as possible. Don't want your name to be dragged through the mud." Natasha said. She kissed his head then walked away.

"I will." Peter said. Soon everyone had left except for felicity. A drone came and handed felicity her coffee. She took it and took a deep long drink from it.

"Ok. What are you gonna do about this guy?" Felicity asked.

"Hit him hard and fast." Peter said.

"Yeah? But this guy is just as strong and fast may be stronger and faster. I saw how he was able to keep up with the spidercycle and I felt his strength in that one hand that he used to try and choke me." Felicity said.

"That's why I'm gonna use these." Peter said and activated the gauntlets.

"They're finished?" Felicity asked.

"Yes. Took me a while but I got it. Now I have what I need to take him down fast. Now I just have to find him and then take him down." Peter said. He slipped the mask over and walked away.

"Good luck." Felicity said.

"Thanks. I'm gonna need it." Peter said before leaving the tower to look for venom. Peter was swinging through New York the rest of the day looking for him. Not even catching a glimpse. Not one. After awhile he got tired of looking and began to walk away. The sun was setting. As he started to walk to stark tower he heard someone land on the roof behind him. The lens on peters mask narrowed and then he turned around to be face to face with the monster he had been searching for all day. "Venom." Peter said.

"Sssspider-man." Venom said with his mouth full of fangs. "We sssssee you've been sssssearching for ussss." Venom said.

"I sssssee you ssstill have trouble ssssspeaking." Peter said mockingly. Venoms eyes narrowed like peters lens.

"Tell ussss why we sssssshhouldn't beat you now?" Venom questioned.

"Because I'd thought you'd want to do it somewhere we're all to familiar with. Besides I'm more issuing you a challenge. Me and you. You know the place." Peter said.

"Mmmmmhhhh. Challenge acccccepted." He hissed before swinging away. Peter then left and went back to the tower. There he changed into his old clothes and went about the rest of the day in wait for his fight with venom. All the while venom was preparing for the fight.

"Be ready children our fight soon begins." Venom said to the three symbiotes in the canister. The mechanical tentacles working on them. They sent an electrical charge through the symbiotes. Harming them. All the while venom laughing maniacally.

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