Battle of the spiders (rematch) part 3

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The symbiote began to writhe in pain and contort themselves. Until it fell on the ground and became a blob on the ground.

"What did he do!!" Venom yelled at Doc Ock.

"I don't know?! Only thing I can think of is he's given them a host. They are fighting for dominance. Until they have decided who is the main symbiote who will control him they are immobile." Doc Ock Said.

"They better hurry!" Venom said.

"Everyone attack! Peter has given us an opportunity to be able to fight them without worry about the other symbiotes! If we take care of these two we can get him back! Don't let peters sacrifice go to waste!" Captain America said. With that everyone began to attack. The avengers attacked venom while the young avengers went after Doc Ock. The fight against Doc Ock seemed to be going better then the fight against the avengers since none of them had a digital spider sense. So venom was able to avoid every single attack they made. And since the young avengers had a digital spider sense doc Ock couldn't get a single hit in against them.

"You insulant Little cretins. How dare you attack your intellectual superior!" Doc Ock yelled.

"Intellectual superior! I got a 206 on my IQ test asshole!" Irene said. She then shot a repulsor beam that hit two of his legs. This caused doc Ock to loose his balance. "Intellectual superior my ass!" Irene said.

"I will squash you like your little bug friend you little monstrosities!" Doc Ock Said angrily.

"Good luck with that!" Francis said as he let loose and arrow that shocked doc Ock. He screamed in pain before falling to the ground.

"And down goes the octopus." Azari said. He gives Francis a fist bump.

"Let's help our parents." James said. With that they left Doc Ock and joined their parents in the fight against the symbiote. But even with the young avengers and their digital spider sense venom had the upper hand. He was far stronger and had a more flexible body. He cackled.

"Why fight when you have no chancccce." Venom said.

"Because its the right thing. And we will not let our friends sacrifice to hold off your monster go to waste." Said Black Panther.

"And because we fought your spawn we've found several other weaknesses of yours." Jasmine said. She set her shield to fire while James set his to sound. Azari glowed blue with his electricity. Irene's gauntlets opened and spewed fire like a flamethrower. Francis set his bow to sonic arrows. Felicity activated her whip. And Torunn brought a lightning bolt down to power herself. Then they charged alongside the avengers to attack venom. While that fight waged. Doc Ock awoke and left to an escape pod.

"Doctor Octavius! You coward!" Venom roared. The young avengers looked just in time to see the pod go.

"Go get him. We'll take care of venom." Natasha said. The young avengers able to follow did. Torunn and Irene flew, Azari used the electricity to pick himself up and fly, the Rogers joined together to create a boat with one shield and use the other shield as a propulsion system. Leaving Francis and Felicity with the avengers. As the others chased doc Ock he began to fire the laser system he had installed on the escape pod for just such an occasion. Azari went first as his electrical field was a bigger target. Lucky him his electrical field also protected him against the blast. Next we're the Rogers. Irene and Torunn though were harder to hit as both actual possessed the ability of flight. But Irene was a bit slower then Torunn because she was trying to gain control over the escape pod. Sadly though this maniac was truly a genius. He programmed the entire things so complicatedly Irene was actually having a hard time beating it. Just then she was blasted by the system taking her out of the chase. Torunn landed on the escape and held on tight as it began to go down into the water. As it got into the water it went full speed. Slowly Torunn began to lose her grip. Not only that but the lack of air was tarting to get to her. So she let got and used her sword to take her back up to the surface for some air. When she broke the surface the others had gathered around her.

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