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School started back up soon after New Years. Right now Peter, Felicity, and Francis. Were on the train ride to school. As they came up Harry and Ned weren't waiting for them at the gate. Peter looked at it strangely.

"Weird. Those two are always here. I mean. They don't have any other friends beside us?" Peter said.

"It is a little weird. Are they sick?" Felicity asked.

"I have no idea." Peter said. They then went into the school. As they walked in the commons peters was grabbed from behind. He was whirled around to find it was Harry who grabbed him.

"Pete! Dude guess who's back!!" Harry said excitedly.

"Ugh.... who?" Peter asked confused.

"Guess!!" Harry said. Ned came up behind him also beaming.

"I'll give a hint. It's a girl who we were all friends with! You knew her way longer and she has red hair!" Ned said excited peters color drained.

"No." He said

"Yes!!" Harry and Ned said together.

"Come on! She's waiting!" Ned said. Then Ned and Harry both dragged peter. Francis smiled as Felicity went after them. They dragged peter over to the nearby soda machine where a red headed girl stood drinking a Coca Cola. All peter could do was go.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" with a blank face.

"That's all I get? An ugh? I'm your second oldest friend and all I get is an ugh?" The red head said with a cocky smile. Felicity was just watching from behind tapping her foot impatiently. She cleared her throat and everyone turned to look at her.

"Care to explain why you dragged peter over here to meet her?" Felicity asked.

"Who's she?" The red head asked.

"Introductions!" Francis said from behind.

"Felicity, Mary Jane Watson. Mary Jane, Felicity Hardy peters girlfriend." Francis said.

"Peter you sly dog. When did you get a girlfriend?" MJ asked slugging peter. Peter didn't budge. "And when could you take a punch?" She asked.

"Well. I started getting stronger since the end of last school year. And felicity asked me out at the beginning of the school year." Peter answered his face still filled with shock at MJ's return.

"Of course she asked you out. You couldn't ask out a cardboard cut out of a girl." MJ said teasingly.

"Ooooh! Burn!" Harry said.

"Ok. Ok. What are you doing back? I thought you moved?" Peter said.

"Yeah. My dad's job took him elsewhere. Now I'm living with my aunt." MJ said. Ned gasped.

"Aunt Anna?" Ned asked excitedly. MJ nodded her head. Ned sighed joyously. "Can we go to your house! I mean I love stark tower. But Aunt Anna's cookies. Oh my god." Ned said.

"Why not. I can ask aunt Anna to bake some when I get home." MJ said. The bell then rang and they all went to their classes. On the way to first period felicity started asking questions.

"Ok. How do you know another drop dead gorgeous person?" Felicity asked.

"Ok. So I met MJ when I was in kindergarten. Around then was when flash started to bully me and MJ was the only person who'd want to be my friend. Ever since we were the best of friends." Peter said.

"Hey harry." Ned said cracking up. "Remember when peter had a crush on MJ?" Ned asked. Peter became pale and turned on him.

"Don't you dare speak of that! Besides who hasn't confessed to her! It's Mary Jane Watson!" Peter said.

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