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"Ahh. Carnage. Sssso you have made your brotherssss kneel before you. How wonderful. Now join me by my sssside." Venom said. Carnage looked at him then to everyone's surprise screamed at him. This scream was full of anger, hatred, and malice towards venom. "Traitor! You dare defy me?!" Venom said getting angry.

"We are not the traitors!" Carnage said angrily. Then it lifted one finger pointing at venom. "You betrayed us!! You left us to die in the explosion." Carnage said.

"A ssssssmall price to pay for the death of sssspiderman." Venom said.

"Everything you've done was to get at Spider-Man!" Carnage said angrily.

"And we're sick of it!" Roared Anti-Venom. This caused more confusion. Then the colors began to change. The black part turned red, the white became black, and red changed to white. "You never cared for us. You only saw us as a way to destroy Spider-Man. You tortured us in your 'experiments'. Never once taking into account we were like you. Sentient beings. Not some lowly creature!" Anti-Venom roared. Then the colors changed again to show venom 2 was now in control.

"And now we no longer listen to you." He hissed.

"Then Who do you plan to listen too? The avengers? They'd just asssss ssssoon lock you up and throw away the key like sssspider-man did to ussss!" Venom said.

"No. Not the avengers. We will listen to ourselves and our host. You don't listen to anyone but yourself. And you trick your host into believing he has his own free will. When in fact you took that away the moment you bonded with them. Even now you trick Brock into believing that what we say is a lie. When you know it's true." Said Venom 2. Venom growled at what the symbiote had said.

"And with that the we give control over this body to the owner of this body. And together the four of us shall exact our revenge!" Said all three symbiote together.

"No!!" Venom roared as he charged them to stop them before anything happened. But in the middle of it a long red whip was created from the symbiotes and they slapped venom aside. Then the symbiotes began shapeshifting so that they became peters suit. But unlike before to where it was just a black suit. It now had color. Its color scheme was similar to what it was like when Carnage was dominant. Except now the web design was much better.

"Hey venom. Miss me?" Peter asked.

"You turned my own children againssssst me?!" Venom asked in rage.

"You know. I think that's the first time you ever called them your children. Or at least that's what they say. Point is. You turned them against yourself. You treated them like dirt. So I made a deal. Now. Time for them to fulfill their end of the bargain. Helping me beat you." Peter said. He then shot forward and slammed into venom so hard they went straight through
The streets and smashed into a store. Peter then began to repeatedly punch venoms face. Venom created another appendage that he used to try and grab peter and toss him back. Peter knew it was there and instead moved aside so the appendage grabbed his face. The appendage quickly let go and disappeared back into his body. Peters hands changed into two double headed battle axes. Peter then charged at venom and began to swing his battle axe hands. It wasn't long till peter got in a good cut across venoms chest. He hissed as the cut burned and sizzled. He fell back and looked down at it.

"Why isn't it healing!?" Venom hissed.

"I'd bet that it's Thanks to anti-venom. It seems not only does he cure diseases. But he has a nasty effect on other symbiotes. If he wants to use it of course." Peter said. He then morphed his hands back then extended his stingers. The symbiotes began to morph the stinger giving a nasty set of barbs at their ends. "Nice." Peter said. Venom roared then charged at peter not wanting to give him the time to make the first move again. Peter easily dodged and began his advance on venom. This backed him up against a wall. When peter went to impale venom, venom jumped up and began to crawl around on the ceiling. But when he looked peter and the symbiotes disappeared. Camouflage. Venom laughed.

An unlucky little spider (original)Where stories live. Discover now