Venom's return

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Right now looking through his entire apartment was the avengers. Steve Rogers was examining all the damage in the living room with uncle Clint. Uncle tony was examining the webbing on the ceiling with Bruce. Thor was just looking at it all. And Natasha was standing off to the side with Peter, Felicity, Harry, and Ned. Right now peter was sitting against the wall with a small little jar with holes that held peters radioactive spider. He found Rad (the spider) crawling around on the wall. Tony and Bruce exited peters room.

"Ok. So what did you find?" Steve asked.

"Well. We identified the stuff on the ceiling as a close copy of spider webbing. As for the message. No way to tell who 'we' is." Tony said.

"Ok. What about the fact that after peters room nothing else was touched? And why they went to peters vault?" Clint asked.

"We don't know. Peter. Do you know of any reason why someone would want to break into your vault." Bruce asked. Peter looked at them and made an internal decision.

"Only thing I can think of is they wanted our tech. But I moved it all. And everything left in there was moved but they didn't take anything." Peter lied.

"Okay. So nothing was taken. Then they leave a message. Only thing I can think of is they had two separate missions. One to leave a message. And-" Natasha began.

"Two to take something from peters vault. A piece of tech." Clint started up.

"They failed the second mission. But let us know they were here. Well that is mistake number one. Peter. We're gonna need all of your tech. Stark. We're gonna need a better vault to put it in." Steve said.

"Sure. We can put it in my tech vault." Stark said.

"Tony they got through one vault what makes you think they can't get through your vault?" Natasha said.

"My vault is way more secure then yours. Mainly because I also put my most dangerous pieces of tech in there. So I kinda had to make mine more secure." Tony said and shrugged.

"Ok. All of my techs in my new lab." Peter said.

"All right I'll get some people to move everything." Tony said. Everyone then left the room. Peter then got up and walked to the window to look out of it. Then he went to the elevator and like everyone else he left. Harry, Ned, and Felicity were hanging out in the young avengers club room.

"I wonder how peters doing?" Felicity said.

"Yeah. I was thinking about the same thing." Ned said.

"How about we go and see if we can cheer him up." Harry said. They all looked at each other and shrugged then they all went back to peters condo where they last saw him. When they arrived absolutely no one was in the living room.

"Peter?" They all called. They began to look around the place to see if peter was still there. Felicity looked in peters vault. She looked around and saw the opened door. She walked over to it curiously.

"Hey this is the place where peter kept that ooze pete said was dangerous." Felicity thought out loud. She then looked around the little closet like space. And didn't see the ooze. Was that what the intruders had been after? Did they take the ooze? And if so. Why did peter lie about it and tell anyone about it going missing? She thought. She then got up and left the vault.
'What ever his reasoning i trust peter to have a very good one. So I won't tell anyone.' Felicity thought. "He's not here guys let's see if mr. Stark knows where he is." Felicity said. They all agreed and left the place to find tony. In the end they couldn't find him and decided they'd get back to him on Monday.

peter was roaming the city as Spider-Man in search of the person who stole the ooze. Hopping whoever it was hadn't set it free or let it get back to Eddie. Anyone but Eddie. As peter searched a shadowy figure was never far behind him. Watching his every move. The person grinned before pulling out the canister with the black ooze inside. As he held it in his hands the ooze came to life and made its evil face before becoming an ooze once more.

"It's time for you to get our wonderful friend out of his prison cell. Now." The figure said opening the canister and pouring the ooze on the ground. "Go get Eddie. Venom." The figure said with an evil grin. The ooze then began to move along the ground and caught itself onto a cab to move around faster. The ooze made its way from vehicle to vehicle until it found itself the vehicle it needed to get back to its host. The New York City prison bus. Venom leapt onto the bus and hid under it. Then waited until the bus made it to the prison. Once there the ooze dropped from the bus and moved in the shadows of what was now night to the building. Venom could sense its host. It was getting closer and closer to its host known as Eddie Brock. It made its way to the barred window. Their it oozed down into the cell. Sadly Eddie wasn't in this cell. He was deeper in the facility. But to get to him. The symbiote would need a host to get it in. The ooze then made its way through the halls till it found an officer asleep in a chair. The symbiote quickly latched itself to the officer and began to control them. The officer made his way through the facility with ease thanks to its new host. It stopped at Eddies cell. Eddie was a big, tall, and strong man. He had blond hair that he currently had buzzed. Eddie looked at the officer with an angry sneer.

"What do you want!?" He asked angrily.

"We have come for you. Eddie." The officer said. The venom symbiote had almost complete control of the officer. It just couldn't give the officer an expression so right now the officer looked like he had absolutely no emotions. "We have come to set you free." The officer continued. Once Eddie Heard the officer sat we. He grinned evil.

"There you are. Where have you been?" He asked.

"Spider-Man had us trapped in a canister. Only connection to the outside world was through several inches of bullet proof glass even then. We were placed inside a closet within a secret vault in stark tower." Venom explained.

"The Little Romanoff runt must've thought it was best. So how did you get out?" Eddie asked.

"With some help from a benefactor who wants us for a team specifically made to take down spider man." Venom said. This made Eddie smile grow.

"I'm listening." Eddie said.

"He wants us to go meet someone first. To create more symbiotes to kill the spider." Venom finished.

"I say we do it." Eddie said evilly.

"Hey! Faulkner. You ok?" Another officer asked. Venom looked at them then began to show himself. Not the Host. But the symbiote. The other officer looked at it horrified and pulled out his gun.

"Hurry up! Take me!" Eddie roared. The symbiote jumped from the officer as the other guy began firing at it. Venom grabbed Eddie and began to cover him in itself. "Yes. Yyyeeesss!!! We are back! We! Are! Venom!!" Eddie roared as the symbiote had completely covered him. Create a hulk like monster with a bigger white version of Spider-Man's symbol. They also had white eyes like Spider-Man's mask except it looked more torn then Spider-Man's. And unlike Spider-Man venom had a mouth full of sharp teeth and a unusually large tongue. Venom then broke out of his cell and began tearing through the facility till he made it to the outside. "Hello world! Venoms back!" Venom roared before jumping from the building and making its way through the city.

"Now. Our firssst order of bussssinesss" the symbiote hissed in Eddies head. "We musssst meet our benefactorssss friend. To create our sssspawn." It continued.

"Let's." Eddie replied as they began to make their way to the city.

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