Choices and Identities

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I do not own this picture. Also i like this artist alot. He makes a bunch of these cute drawings with jokes like this. This is also the same guy who made the costume design in the first chapter.

It's been a month since Venom escaped. The snow was piling up and school had to be cancelled for a snow day. Harry and Ned asked if peter wanted to hang out but peter said no and that he was busy. Which is true peter had to find Venom now because the ooze was gone and Eddie Brock broke out of jail. Meaning only one thing. Venom was back. But before he went out on patrol and was called by Harry and Ned, peter called felicity and see if she wanted to go on a date. Sadly she tolled him she was busy so no luck there. So right now peter was jumping from rooftop to rooftop in search of his old enemy. If it wasn't for peters suit having built in heat warmers he'd be freezing in this cold weather. Also tony made another feature. Heat webs. A special web made specifically for conducting heat without being destroyed themselves. Right now though peter was watching over the city looking for Venom on one of those Eagle balconys. Suddenly he heard a alarm go off and looking in its direction peter saw the black cat with a medium sized bag filled with stuff peter was guessing were valuable. Geez. Doesn't even take holidays off. With a sigh peter swung into action. Landing in front of her. "Hey cat. How's it going? Been wondering when I'd see you again." Peter said.

"G-g-get ou-u-u-ut of-f-f m-m-my w-w-way. Sp-sp-spid-d-der." She stuttered with her teeth chattering.

"Hm. Looks like your cold. How about I get you a nice blanket and give it to you for your cell? Sound nice?" Peter asked tauntingly.

"I w-w-warned y-y-you." She said before dropping the bag and starting yet another of their unwinnable fights. Where their both unable to hit the other. Then peter then lands a kick to her chest sending her backwards to fall on her but. She then began to cry.

"Wooh wooh wooh. Are you crying?" Peter asked.

"P-p-please. The the the only-ly th-thing. I w-w-want for chra-chra-Christmas is-s-s m-m-my f-f-father. P-p-please." She said. Tears streaming down her face.

"Your dad? What does your dad have to do with you robing jewelry stores?" Peter asked.

"M-my fathers-s in j-j-jail. For s-s-something. He d-d-didn't ev-v-ven do. S-sure h-h-he w-w-was a th-thief. B-b-but h-he did it-t f-f-for m-m-my s-s-sick m-m-mother." She said still chattering. She wiped her eyes and her nose. "P-p-please Sp-sp-spid-d-der-m-m-man. I j-j-just w-w-want m-my f-f-father." She said. Peter looked at her and slowly the pieces began to come together. He finally figured out who the black cat was.

"Wait? Felicity? Felicity hardy?" Peter asked. She sniffed before looking at him with shock in her eyes.

"H-h-how d-d-do y-y-you kn-n-now?" She asked. Peter began messing with his web shooters and brought the temperature of the heat webs down so they'd still be warm but not burning hot. He then created a quilt out of the warm webbing and put it over her.

"Yeah. I know." He said. She wrapped it around herself a bit tighter. Slowly her teeth stopped chattering.

"Why are you so nice to me? I've been robbing stores and trying to rob them for several months now. I've just been a nuisance. So why?" She asked.

"Because I know you. And now that I know. I think your just a kind girl who lost her way because of her problems." Peter said. He took a deep breath. And began to think. Then he let his breath out. "I'll offer you a deal. I'll let you go with the money. This once. And it'll be the last time. Here's the thing though. I bet your dad's not happy that your doing this. If he is. No offense but he's a terrible dad. I think your dad would be happier to know he's getting out with money that isn't dirty. How close am I?" Peter asked. Felicity looked down sadly. "Thought so. So here's the thing. You can have your dad for Christmas with your ill gains. Or you can get him out the right way. With help of course. But of course it would take a bit longer for you to get your dad out." Peter said. Felicity looked at him. "It's your choice. Just know that depending on whatever decision you choose. I might see you as a friend or another person who I have to put behind bars. And I don't want to do the second one." Peter said. He walked to the roofs edge. He turned to her. "See you later felicity." He said and began to swing away. "Karen. Erase all video that puts felicity hardy as the black cat." Peter said.

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