Back to school

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I do not own this picture. Fair warning there is a spoiler for Thor: ragnarok. I have indicated this part by placing a warning before it saying skip the rest of the paragraph in case you don't want spoilers and I have underlined it. If your read it that's on you. I have warned you.

Peter is currently in front of the mid town high school. He walked past the fountain when his spider sense went off. He moved as a football sailed past his head. He looked to see a smiling flash.

"Sup Romanoff. How's mommy's little spider." Flash said putting Peter in a headlock.

"Just fine. How are you Eugene." Peter said with a smile. Flash's teammates snickered. Flash let Peter go and turned to his teammates.

"You think that's funny?!" Flash asked.

"No. But your nickname flash should be. I mean you did get it in kindergarten. And not for being fast." Peter said. Flash grew bright red.

"What your telling us. Flash's nickname. Was given to him because he'd flash people?" Said flash's teammate while cracking up.

"Romanoff!" Flash roared as he chased Peter through the halls. "I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled. After Peter lost flash Peter sat down in the back of the room. First period for Peter was chemistry. Peter found his class to be easy and a good place for Peter to create new spider web formulas. Peter then saw his two best friends walk in. Ned Leeds and harry Osborn. The trio talked for awhile.

"Hey pete. You don't mind if I partner up with harry this year right?" Ned asked. Peter shook his head.

"No problem dude. You were my partner last year. So we're good." Peter said. With that the teacher walked in and told everyone to take a seat. Ned and Harry sat at the table beside peters table. Then just before the bell rang a girl with short white hair and blue eyes walked in. Peter couldn't help but stare at the girl. Then she walked to the back of the class and sat down next to Peter without even saying a word. Peter looked over at harry and Ned. They both had a goofy smile and gave Peter a thumbs up. Peter groaned and put his head down. Then class began.

"Ok class. I am Mrs. Washer. I will be your chemistry teacher this year. Now if you will all look to the person sitting beside you you will find your lab partner for the rest of the school year." Mrs. Washer said. Peter looked at the girl.

"Ugh. Hi. I'm Peter." Peter said. The girl looked at him.

"Felicity." She said then looked back at the teacher.

"I will now began calling roll." The teacher began. She started naming people and they raised their hands. "Felicia hardy?" She asked. The Felicity raised her hand.

"Felicity is fine." She answered. Peter looked at her. Felicity huh? Pretty name. Peter thought. He then flushed red and out his head on the desk. The teacher then named Ned and harry. At the mention of harry Osborn. Felicity looked at harry with a critical eye.

"Peter Parker-Romanoff." Mrs. Washer said. Peter raised his hand.

"Present." Peter said. Felicity looked at him and raised her eyebrows a bit.

"Romanoff? As in Natasha Romanoff? The black widow?" Felicity asked. Peter blushed a bit.

"She's uh. My adoptive mother." Peter said a bit embarrassed to say his mother is the super agent who's also an avenger.

"Cool." She said then turned back to the teacher. Peter looked back at his friends again to see that they were grinning from ear to ear and were wiggling their eyebrows at him. Peter looked at them like they were idiots and shook his head. Then he like felicity turned back to the teacher and listened to her teach the class.

An unlucky little spider (original)Where stories live. Discover now