Battle of the spiders (rematch)

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The young avengers piled into the quinjet with Irene at the helm.

"Ok. So how do we find them?" Irene asked.

"It seems that with my time as the host for venom and how I have completely unlocked my powers I can sense him with my spider sense. But I only felt the connection when he was coming to the tower. I went over the entire city and not once did I feel that connection again. So he can't be in the city. So. Where is he?" Peter asked.

"Ok so go over the entirety of New York and its surroundings until you feel a connection." She said skeptically. "Ok." She said then she started the quinjet up and ran down the helicarriers runway. Peter then sat down in one of the seats. Everyone was checking their stuff over. Everyone except felicity. She sat across from him.

"Peter. I just want to say if we don't make it back." She said peter cut her off.

"We're gonna make it back." He said.

"But if we don't. I just wanna say. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was with the others that you should be taken off the team. It's just. When I saw you get beaten by venom. I thought I'd lose you. I've lost a lot of people in my life. I didn't want to lose you too." She said sadly. Peter got up and sat down beside her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and laid her on him.

"You'll never lose me." He said. With that she cracked a smile. Just then for the briefest of moments he felt the connection. But just as soon as he caught it. It was lost. "Stop!" Peter said. Irene came to a halt a set the jet in hover.

"What?" She asked.

"I felt the connection." Peter said.

"What? Are you serious? We haven't even gotten back to the mainland." She said.

"I felt the connection. Go back the way we just came and I'll tell you where." Peter said. Irene did as he said. It wasn't long before he felt it again. "Stop!" He said. Irene looked out the window and looked at the ocean.

"Are you sure he's down there?" She asked.

"Unless Im sensing something else. Then yes. I can feel him. He's directly below us." Peter said. Irene shook her head before taking the jet down.

"Lucky us there's a sub mode on this baby." She said. She then activated the sub mode and the ship dropped to the water and began to changed. "And Down we go." Irene said as she directed the ship down into the ocean. After awhile they saw a big spherical base.

"Hell of a place for a base." James said. Francis laughed.

"You rhymed." Francis said with a chuckle.

"Take is in." Peter said.

"I've convinced the place to think we're a shipment. And it's not a base. It's.... a lab?" She said confused.

"Who'd want a lab here?" Torunn asked.

"A man named Otto Octavius? Name ring a bell anyone?" Irene asked.

"Yeah. He won several awards for his projects. But everyone thought he died in an accident around a year ago." Peter said.

"Well he's still alive." Irene said. She then landed the quinjet and the chamber they were in closed and began to empty itself of the water. After it was empty they all exit the jet. "I found our parents there this way." Irene said they then began to walk through the lab. The doors opened whenever they came to them. Soon they came to a big dark room with the only light coming from 6 empty tubes.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Francis said. Peter opened his senses and could hear them. They were in the room. He could also hear some kind of mechanical sound.

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