A new years eve

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Peter and felicity were walking around New York. It is currently New Year's Eve. Felicity was wearing her cat bracelet which she got from peter for Christmas. In her hands was socks who was snuggling into her for warmth. It was dark out and close to midnight. Peter was walking with Goliath on a leash. They were heading to Times Square for the countdown.

"You know peter you still haven't given me my birthday gift." Felicity said looking at him.

"You know I'm starting to think your only with me right now for your present? We just had Christmas a week ago." Peter said.

"Yes. But my birthday is far more important compared to Christmas." She said with a smile.

"True. True. So where was my birthday present?" Peter asked with a smirk.

"Ugh! You didn't tell me it was your birthday!" She said and used her free hand to punch peters shoulder.

"Excuses, excuses." He said. Felicity shook her head. Peter looked at her with a smile. "Honestly the only thing I wanted that day was to be with you. So can't that be my present to you?" Peter asked. Felicity looked at him with an unamused face. "Ok. Ok. Fine. I'll give you your present before midnight. But for now let's enjoy our company." Peter said. Felicity smiled at him again.

"That sounds great." She said. They continued to walk when peter got a message from someone. It was Irene.

'On our way!' She said.

"The others are on their way." Peter said.

"Ok." Felicity replied. A few seconds later Irene came flying in her suit and was followed by a hover craft. Peter facepalmed and sighed when he saw that. Of course they were using it. The thing was big enough to take up the whole street. A ladder came down and Irene landed by peter.

"I'll take cujo here." She said gesturing to Goliath. She then picked him up and flew up onto the hovercraft while peter and felicity climbed the ladder. Peter took socks so it was easier for her to climb. When peter got on he found the hover craft had a FFF (force field fence) activated so he didn't have to worry about Goliath. When felicity was with them she took socks back.

"Of course you guys have a personal mini helicarrier." Felicity commented.

"Yeah. Except this uses technology my grandfather designed. But I perfected it. Grandpa would be so proud of me if he was here." Irene said with a joyous smile.

"Ok. We're taking her up." James called back from the control panel.

"Dad says he and the others won't be able to join us today." Jasmine said.

"That's too bad." Francis said.

"Well let's not let that get us down." Peter said. He looked around at the others. "Our parents are superheroes. They have to do their job. So let's enjoy this with each other." Peter said.

"Well said peter. Well said." James said. The hovercraft then went up and came to a stop over Times Square. After awhile Irene's alarm went off.

"One minute left!" Irene said. Peter looked at felicity.

"Ready for your present?" Peter asked

"Of course." Felicity said.

"Then close your eyes." Peter said. She did as he said and closed her eyes. Peter then went around her and pulled out the box from his inside coat. He opened it and pulled out the necklace. He put his hands with the necklace over her head so he could put it on her neck. She felt the necklace on her chest. Then he began to connect the ends so it would stay on. Once he finished he moved back around to face her. "Ok. Now you can open them." Peter said. She opened her eyes and gasped at the necklace.

"This is the necklace I saw from that jewelry store!" Felicity said as she held it.

"So you remember." Peter said.

"Of course." She said. She looked at him sadly. "But do I deserve it?" Felicity asked.

"Of course." Peter said.

"But. I used to be a thief. What I didn't get I took without asking. Why are you so nice to me even after all that?" Felicity asked.

"Because you may think your so bad but I see all the good inside. And that's what matters." Peter said. Felicity chuckled.

"How did I get such a great boyfriend?" Felicity asked. Peter laughed.

"That's What your thinking? I'm thinking how did I get such a hot girlfriend?" Peter asked.

"Because your cute." Felicity said. They then heard the people down below chanting as the ball dropped.

"7, 6, 5," peter looked at felicity.

"Happy birthday felicity." Peter said.

"3, 2, 1!" Then right as the bell dropped and everyone cheered peter Leaned in and kissed felicity on the lips.

"Ewww!!" Said Francis's little siblings pointing at peter and felicity.

"Woo!! Get it pete!" Francis yelled encouragingly. After they stopped they both blushed at how the others watched.

"Peter is so lucky." Azari complained. He fell into the snow on his back. "I wish I had a girlfriend." He said.

"Don't worry Azari. Until then. Me, you, and Francis will stick together." James said.

"Hey. Don't lump me in with you guys. I'm hoping to get a girlfriend soon." Francis said.

"Ooh! You gonna ask her?" Felicity said.

"Shut up!!" Francis said.

"Ooh. I smell gossip! Who is it!" Irene said leaning in.

"I swear you two say who it is and I will put and arrow through your skull." Francis said threateningly.

"Fine. Fine. You don't have to threaten us." Peter said.

"Aww! Francis! We want to know who it is!" Jasmine complained.

"Jasmine it's his secret. He can tell us if he wants." James said. She sighed.

"Fine." Jasmine groaned.

"Now. Let's go home. These two need to get to bed." Francis said as he picked up his little Brother.

"Alright. Back to stark tower." James said. As he set the hovercraft to go back to stark tower.

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