Ch. 17: He Just Loves Messing With Me, Doesn't He?

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hey everyone! how's life treating you lately? been needing another shot of aidan? haha... anyway, here's the latest chappy. i appreciate any feedback, like compliments -flips hair- or criticism, or even just plain insults so i can finally press the 'report' button. nah, jk. but thanks for reading anyway!

i'll shut up now.


Tiana’s POV:

I felt a lot better the next morning, my head a lot clearer than before. Pulling my sun-brown hair into a ponytail, I put on a purple graphic tee (Happy Bunny with the words ‘cute but evil’ on it) and a skirt. I added a barrette in my hair just to give the message of “I’m perfectly fine, just forget all that crap from yesterday,” in case it wasn’t clear enough.

I was cheerful enough to give Aidan a smile. He blinked at me, probably wondering if I’d gone insane, but drove in his usual silence. As he parked the car though, he looked away, saying, “You’re feeling better. That’s good.”

“Yup.” I tucked an imaginary strand of hair behind my ear, a nervous habit. “Thanks for taking care of me, Aidan.”

He grunted. Opening his door, he glanced back at me, the mischievous glint back in his green eyes. “Nice skirt by the way. It’d be nicer if it was shorter.” He smirked, and then got out.

I gaped after him for another few seconds. Pervert! Where the heck did that come from?! Getting out, I hoped my cheeks weren’t flaming red. Aidan locked the car and did his famous disappearing act right after. Man, he’s good at that. Disappearing and leaving me speechless in shock and mortification. I walked to first period socials… and was promptly attacked by Andrea.

“Tiana! Guess what?” She pulled me down in the seat next to her.

“Uh, what?” I said warily.

“Party on Friday night!” she sang, beaming like she just won the lottery. “It’s at this really loaded guy’s house, Tony somebody. He throws the best parties, girl, you have to be there. Everyone goes, just because there’ll be like, a pool and a freaking DJ and… there’ll be…” she leaned closer, dropping her voice. “Alcohol.”

I blinked at her. “I don’t drink.” Then I mentally smacked myself. Of all the stupid things I could’ve said, I had to go for that one. Jeez, get a life, Tiana.

Andrea rolled her eyes. “Tiana, honey, it’s a party. No one’s telling you that you have to drink, but you might as well have some fun. Let’s just go, loosen up, beginning of the year party, you know? Really welcome you into this hellhole of a high school. C’mon, you can dance there. It’ll be fun.”

“I’ll think about it…”

“Oh, come on, Tiana, don’t be a party pooper.” Seth grinned, appearing out of nowhere and plopping down in front of Andrea.

“I thought you were sick,” I told him.

“Um, cough, cough?” he shrugged sheepishly. Sana smacked him, sitting in front of me.

“He skipped school without me, the ass,” she said playfully, shooting Seth a mock dirty look.

“Just come,” pleaded Andrea, “We’ll take care of you. Everyone’s going! I bet even Aidan is going and we all know how anti-social he is.”

I sighed. “Fine… I guess I might as well go.” They grinned, and Andrea gave me the details. Huh, a party. Interesting.


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