Ch. 24: Things You Can't Seem To Avoid

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yay! new update. happy dance time!

next update might be.... a while. because school starts next week for me and AHHH IM FREAKING OUT WHAT DO I DO IM NOT USED TO DEALING WITH PEOPLE NOW GAHH WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO

you get the point. so, enjoy!


Tiana’s POV:

      Nick was waiting at my locker. I gave him a smile as I opened it and got my stuff. “Hey, I just need to find Aidan for one second, okay?”

      He shrugged. “Good luck with that.”

     Shutting my locker, I glanced towards where a bunch of girls were huddled, all staring----or, more correctly, drooling---- at a particular person. “Nah,” I said, smiling, “Just follow that crowd of piranhas.”

      Nick and I shared a grin. I headed over cautiously, edging past the crowd. I spotted the familiar tall, dark, depressed cloud of boy. Or, if you wanted to get technical, a tall, dark, depressed cloud of half-vampire.

Taking a deep breath, I walked over. Nick trailed after me, for moral support, I guess. “Aidan?”

He turned around, permanent scowl on his face and black hair covering his eyes. “Yeah?” He scowled at Nick.

“I’m going over to Nick’s for a little while,” I told him. “I just thought you’d want to know.”

His scowl deepened, if that were possible, but he didn’t say anything. He sighed, and then shrugged. “Whatever. Just make sure you’ll be back alright. And if anything happens to her, you’re in deep shit.” That last part was directed at Nick, who was smart enough not to respond.

I started to turn to go, but then stopped. “Aidan.” I waited till he turned to face me. I lowered my voice so the girls standing five metres away wouldn’t hear. “I really think you ought to talk it out with Sandra and Darrel. They are still your parents. They still care. It’s much easier to get it out in the open, Aidan.”

He didn’t reply, just stared at me, his green eyes unreadable.

I really did hope he’ll listen. Because I couldn’t stand the tension and awkwardness at home anymore. I didn’t even realize when I’d started thinking of that place as home; I hadn’t labelled anywhere like that in a long time. But it did feel like home. And I realized another reason I wanted him to talk it out.

I couldn’t stand him being so distant to me any longer.

“Nice house,” I commented. It was just a regular old house, but it felt cozy.

“Thanks.” He offered me some chips. “You want to just work here?” he pointed to the living room. “It’s bigger and more open and… well, we could go to my room too, if you want…” He blushed slightly, trailing off.

I smiled, putting my stuff on the sofa. “It’s okay, Nick.”

We got to work, falling into the comfortable silence when we ran out of conversation. It was easy to work with him. But I kept catching him watching me at times, not saying anything, just watching me. I was kind of scared at what that meant. And what I wanted it to mean.

At around quarter to five, the door opened and his mother and younger sister came in. I smiled shyly at his mom, while the little girl bounced up to me to inspect me.

“Hi! I’m Natalie,” she announced. She looked around six or so. “I’m Nick’s little sis. Who are you?”

“Natalie,” said Nick, embarrassed.

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