Liza P.O.V
September 9 2016 Saturday
David just got in the shower and I can't find my phone so I grabbed His. I trust him %100 but I still wanted to look through his phone. I go into his contacts and there is a contact named Liza💜 and a contact below it that says Sweetheart😘💜.
I tap on the contact and read the messages.
Text conversation
Sweetheart 😘💜: hey Davie
David: hi
Sweetheart 😘💜: what's up?
David: thinkin bout you 😉
Sweetheart 😘💜: I'm doing the same thing
David: you wanna come over?
Sweetheart 😘💜: yeah, I gotta wait for my mom to leave so I'll be there in half an hour.
David: ok sweetheart, love you, bye.
Sweetheart 😘💜: love you to Davie, bye bye.
End of text conversation
Oh my god. My boyfriend is cheating on me. How long had this been going on?! Are they still together?
I slam David's phone down on the bed and he comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
"I can't believe you." I grab my things and start to walk out his bedroom door but David grabs my arm and brings me back.
"What did I do?"
"David you know what you did!" I forcefully yank my arm out of his grip.
"Can you wait 'til I get dressed so we can talk?"
"Hurry up David." He quickly grabs his clothes and goes into the bathroom. I wait for about 2 minutes and he comes out.
"Ok. What did I do that is making you so mad at me?"
"David I saw what was on your phone!"
"I don't know what your talking about babe!"
"Don't call me 'babe' David!" I walk to his door and run down the stairs.
Ester, Sarah, and Toby all link arms and stand in front of the door, not letting me through.
"Can you please move." I feel a tear go down my cheek.
"Can you please move!" I raise my voice a little and David grabs my waist, pulls me to the couch, and sits me down.
"Baby I need to know what's wrong so I can fix it." David squats in front of me with his hands on my knees.
"I trusted you and you did this to me. Maybe you aren't the guy I thought you were." I stand up and walk back to the door.
"Babe stop. I need to know why your mad at me. Arguing isn't going to help anything." David takes my hands and swings them in between us.

Quick Love~Diza Love Story
Fanfiction*COMPLETED* Liza Koshy moves from Houston Texas to L.A California. She meets her 3 best friends over the summer and goes to Hamilton High school for her senior year. She bumps into someone and it changes everything.