Liza's Birthday Ch.46

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Liza P.O.V

March 31 2017 Liza's Birthday

Today is my 18th birthday! David says he has something planned so I had to wake up kinda early this morning. By kinda early I mean 6am. Which might not be early for some of you but it is to me. He won't even give me a hint to what the surprise is! All I know is we are going to be gone for 4 days. It's Friday and we don't have school, it's a 4 day weekend, we don't have school Monday either.

I'm laying in bed watching David shove clothes into a duffle bag. He smells a shirt and shakes his head. He throws it across the room and picks up another shirt.

"Come on princess. You gotta get ready to go." He says and I groan.

"Can I stay in my jammies?" I ask with a tired tone and he smiles.

"Nope. Happy birthday by the way." He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. He grabs my bag and puts it at the foot of the bed. He also grabs my shoes and puts them next to my bag.

"Thank you." I say and sit up. I get dressed in a short maroon dress. I don't want to wear fancy shoes so I just put on my white Vans. (Picture of dress at the top of the page.)

"Ready to go?" He asks and I grab my bag from off the bed. We walk to the car and get in. David gets in but doesn't turn the car on, he just sits in the seat looking and me.

"What?" I ask wondering why we aren't leaving.

"I have something for you." He says and reaches in the backseat.

"What is it?" I ask and he smiles, his arm still in the back.

"Close your eyes." He says and I do what he told me to. He puts something soft in my lap and I hold it, trying to figure out what it is.

"It's a stuffed animal." I say still trying to figure out what kind of animal.

"Open your eyes." He says and I open my eyes. There's a gray stuffed elephant sitting on my lap.

"Aww! This is cute! Thank you bubba!" I reach over the middle console and kiss his cheek.

"Happy birthday princess." He grabs my hand and I hold the elephant.

"I'm gonna call it Pookie." I smile and David nods. He smiles and kisses me. He starts the car and we drive down the road. About 10 minutes later we pull up to a building that I don't recognize.

"Here. Cover your eyes." He hands me a shirt and I tie it around my head, covering my eyes. He gets out of the car and goes to my side. He opens the door and helps me out.

"What's happening?" I ask as I take a step up and David holds me close to him so he can guide me.

"Just stand right here." He takes the blindfold off of me and my eyes slowly adjust to the light.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around. There's lots of space in the room and there's a guy standing about 5 feet away from me. There's also something hanging on the wall with a black sheet hanging over it.

"Liza, this is Sammy. He helped me with what I'm about to give you." David says standing about 2 feet away from me and lazily holding my hand.

"Hi Sammy. Where are we?" I wave to Sammy and turn towered David.

"Just wait." David says letting go of my hand and going closer to the black thing on the wall.

"Ready Dave?" Sammy says standing next to the black thing and putting his hand on the cloth.

"Yup. 3, 2, 1... Go!" David says and quickly runs to me. He stands next to me and studies my reaction.

Sammy pulls of the black cloth and under it is a painting. It's a painting of Pookie sitting on a chair and a lamp sitting on a table. On the table is a picture of David and I and the ring David gave me on Christmas. (Picture of painting at the top of the page, but instead of the picture of Jet, it's David and Liza.)

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