David P.O.V
May 6 2017
The other day I tried convincing my mom to let me marry Liza, it didn't go well. So, I'm trying a different way. I'll tell her I won't ask Liza until I'm 18, because then I'm an adult and she can't tell me who I'm not aloud to marry. I also wasn't planning on asking until after graduation, which is in June, and my 18th birthday is at the end of July. I decide I'm going to talk to mom about the plan so I look around the house for her. I find her in Jean's room, talking and laughing with Jean.
"Mom, can I talk to you about something?" I ask and mom nods.
"What's up?" She asks and I sit on the little chair in the corner of the room.
"So you know how I wanna propose to Liza?" I say and mom nods with a disappointed look on her face.
"Yes and we talked about this already." She says sternly.
"I know, I know. Bu-" I start to say but she interrupts.
"We're not having this conversation again, David." She says and I nod quickly.
"It's not the same conversation, I have a different plan." I say and and she shuffles.
"David, you're not getting married when you're still a teenager." She says and I look down at the ground.
"Listen to his plan, Dawn." Jean says and I look back up at mom.
"Fine. What is it?" Mom asks sounding annoyed.
"I won't propose to her until I'm 18. Even if you say no, I won't listen because I'll be an adult and I won't have to listen to you." I say and she nods slowly.
"Seems fair. But don't come crying to me when you break up because young love never works." She says and stands up. She quickly walks out of the room and I put my head in my hands.
"Don't worry, sweetie, she'll come around. Everything will be fine." Jean say and I nod.
"I hope so." I whisper and I close my eyes. I end up falling asleep for a few hours and I get woken up to Liza trying to put a cheese-It in my mouth.
"Good morning, sunshine!" She says and shoves a cheese-It into my mouth.
"Babe, stop it!" I say and move her hand. She grabs my hand and pulls me up.
"Let's go up to your room." She says and pulls me our the door.
"I just woke up 15 seconds ago. I can't go up the stairs." I say and she playfully groans.
"Fine. You can sleep on the floor, right here." She lets my hand go and points at the floor.
"But the couch is right there..." I say and she giggles.
"But I wanna cuddle without someone bothering us." She says and gives me puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." She smiles and drags me upstairs. We get to my room and I lay on my bed. She lays on top of me and I chuckle.
"Wow, you're really light." I say and she rolls off me.
"I'm not that light." She lays on her back and faces her head towerd me.
"Babe, you weigh 60 pounds." I say smiling and she smiles too.
"No I don't." She giggles and I smile.
"Whatever." I tickle her stomach and she jolts to the side.
"Don't do that!" She says giggling.
"Why?" I ask and move closer to her.
"Because I don't like being tickled." She says and moves farther away.
"Why?" I move closer and she looks over in the opposite direction.
"If you keep moving closer to me, I'm gonna fall off the bed." She says and I smile. I move closer and the sits up.
"Dang it, I wanted to push you off!" I say and she glares at me.
"Wow, love you too." She says sarcasticly. I sit up next to her and she looks at my hands. She looks at hers then goes back and forth between our hands.
"What?" I say and she grabs my hand. She holds it against her hand, comparing the two.
"Jeez, your hand is huge." She says and I bend my fingers over hers. She lets go of my hand and we stay silent for a few minutes.
"You know what I wanna do?" She says and I tilt my head.
"What?" I ask and she stands up.
"Yoga." She says and I smile.
"Yoga? Why yoga?" I ask and she shrugs.
"I don't know. I need a new video for my YouTube channel. Wanna do the Yoga Challenge?" She says and I nods.
"Sure." I say and she claps her hands.
"Yay!" She grabs her computer from her backpack and sets it up on my desk.
"How many subscribers do you have?" I ask and she shrugs.
"I don't know. Lemme check." She goes onto her channel and we see that she has 247 subscribers.
"Wow." I say and she hangs her mouth open.
"I've posted 4 videos! How did this happen?!" She says excitedly and I smile.
"Looks like my girlfriend's famous." I say and she smiles.
"I guess so." She says smiling. We set up everything we need for the Yoga Challenge and borrow the Yoga mat from my mom. (Actual video at the top of the page)
"What's the first one?" I ask and she looks at the computer screen.
"I call this one, the Pizza Slice." She says and I laugh.
"Ok." I say smiling and she laughs. After about 3 tries, we finally do the potion.
"Does it look like a pizza?!" Liza yells at the camera and I laugh. We fall and hit each other on the way down, making us laugh on the ground.
We do the challenge for about an hour and we start editing. We did the hour long challenge for a 3 minute video. We've been sitting around doing nothing but editing and playing on our phones. There's not much to do in my house without a child interrupting. It's about 6pm so I decide I'm going to make dinner for everyone.
"You wanna help me make dinner?" I ask Liza and she nods.
"Sure." We get up off my bed and walk downstairs.
"What do we make?" I ask and she shrugs.
"I don't know. Let's just have cereal." She says and I chuckle.
"If we lived on our own, maybe." I say and she smiles.
"If only you were 18." She says and I smile.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you're older then me, shut up." I jokingly say and she hits my arm. She looks around the kitchen, opening the fridge and all the cabinets.
"Oh! Let's make nachos!" She pulls out 2 cans of nacho cheese and smiles.
"But that cheese is gross, it's so artificial." I say and she puts it on the counter.
"Then you can have something else. I know the kids like it, I like it, and I'm sure our mom's won't mind." She says and pulls out a lot from the cabinet.
She puts it on the stove and plops the cheese into it. We make everything we need for nachos and put it in bowls to put on the table. We call everyone down into the dining room and we all sit around the table assembling our plates. We all have a fun time eating, laughing, talking, and eating nachos.
Hello! I'm sorry I didn't update the other day. I dropped my phone into the couch and I couldn't find it. It took my mom and my brother to help me get it out after 2 days 😂. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading! ❤❤

Quick Love~Diza Love Story
Fanfiction*COMPLETED* Liza Koshy moves from Houston Texas to L.A California. She meets her 3 best friends over the summer and goes to Hamilton High school for her senior year. She bumps into someone and it changes everything.