Chapter 6

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When I walked into the kitchen, I let out a gasp. 
I had never seen such a big room with shiny kitchen utensils that looked like the Ways had hired somebody just for keeping them clean. 
They probably had. 

"Pretty cool, huh?" a soft voice said from the other end of the room. 
I jumped back slightly because I hadn't seen anybody in here, but now there was a man with slightly ginger hair walking up to me. He was wearing the classic white chef robe and in his hand I could see a spatula. 

"Woah, you scared me," I admitted, once I could really see his face. 
He laughed a little.
"I'm sorry," he said in all honesty, "My name's Patrick." 
"Frank," I greeted him and held out my hand for him to shake, but he showed me his hands that were currently inside of silicone gloves, so I put my own one down again.  
"You're the new servant, right?" he asked and I could see in his eyes that he was really into the conversation and not just waiting for me to finally stop talking, so he could go back to work. 
"Yes I am," I answered, "today is my first official work day, actually," 
"Then I hope there are going to be more. You seem really nice!" 
Patrick was now officially my favourite in here. 
Wait... didn't Pete mention... 
"You're Pete's boyfriend, right?" I suddenly asked. 

When I said his name, Patrick's face instantly lit up and he nodded frantically. 
"Yes I am!" he said all excited all of a sudden, "I hope that's not a problem for you...?"
Now I was the one to laugh. 
"Oh hell no! I kind of swing that way too," I giggled. 
Patrick relaxed a little more and gave me a lovely smile. 
I could clearly see what Pete was seeing in the small ginger man. 

"So actually I came here to get some breakfast," I said because I was scared that Gerard would have to wait for too long if we kept our little conversation going. 
"Oh yes, sure!"
Patrick signed for me to follow him into the main part of the kitchen. The smell of eggs and bacon filled my nose, mixed with some weird scent of coconut and orange. My stomach instantly began to growl. 

"So what would you like?" Patrick asked and gestured to the huge stove where he put everything to keep it warm a little longer. 
I couldn't take my eyes off of the huge pan filled with a mountain of pancakes. Same goes for the pot of fried eggs. 
I just couldn't decide what I should bring Gerard because everything just looked so damn good. 

"I don't know," I sighed, "what do you think he would like to eat?" 
Patrick gave me a confused look and asked: "Who do you mean?"
"Gerard!" I said, "I don't know what he likes to have for breakfast. What does he usually eat?" 
Patrick moved his head to the side a bit and I felt like he was checking if I was joking or being actually serious. Then something seemed to click inside his head. 
"Oh I understand! When you go wake him up later he is going to tell you that he doesn't eat," Patrick explained and nodded with every word. 
"Oh but I already woke him up," I answered with a little grin because Patrick's suprised face was just too funny. 
"But... how... He never had breakfast ever since I started working here," he exclaimed. 
I just shrugged. 
"I could kind of convince him to eat. Or at least to get him something to eat," I said. 

"I really want to know how you managed to do so," Patrick let out a little laugh as he searched for a nice plate. 
"Well... I just kind of... threatened him," I admitted and made Patrick freeze. 
At first I thought he would be shocked or even angry about my methods, so I was really suprised when he started laughing loudly. 
He had to put the plate he just got onto the table on the right, so he wouldn't drop and break it. 

"What's so funny about that?" I asked, but also started to giggle. 
"It's just..." he said gasping for air, "I never thought he would let something like that happen. And it's your very first day!" 
"Yeah well... He wasn't that happy about it," I shrugged. 
"Obviously. I'm suprised he hasn't fired you already." 

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