Chapter 18

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I didnt sleep too well that night. I was far too excited to give Gerard his present and to see his reaction. The more I thought about it the higher I got my hopes up.

I knew that Pete was going to pick me up really early so I didnt even bother turning around again when I woke up at 5 am this morning.
For a moment I thought about skipping the shower at my place, because I always compared my shower to the one in the Way residence and well... if you could choose, the choice would be easy.
But then I remembered how sweaty I got after basically running home from the art store yesterday and made my decision.

Pete did pick me up really early. Like REALLY early. I just got dressed after the shower and heard the doorbell ring. And it was only 6 am. What the fuck.

I opened the door but didn't see Pete there, just the black luxurious vehicle he picked me up in the last time. He probably rung the bell and got into the car.
I had already packed my bags the day before so I could hop in right away, though I was a little stressed.

"Good morning", Pete greeted me cheerfully.
"Hey", I said and tried to catch my breath. Even though I didnt pack that much, my bags were still heavy.
"Ready to go?", Pete asked and without waiting for an answer he started the motor.
"Uh yeah I guess", i said, "but i need to get something first it thats okay... like... before we go back. Coukd you droo me off at this address?"
I gave him a piece of paper with the address of the art store on it and watched him type it into the navigation system.
"Sure thing, dude! What's it you wanna pick up from there?"

I got a little more comfortable in the backseat and said:
"Oh nothing much. Just a little present for Gerard."

I saw Pete looking at me through the rearview mirror, raising an eyebrow.
"A present?"
"Yeah Melanie mentioned that he likes art and I thought that I could make him do something besides laying in bed all day when I bring him some art stuff so he can work on things, you know?"

I got a little nervous. Pete was still looking at me through the window, giving me a weird look. Why wasnt he looking at the fucking street?!
"So you picked some stuff out for him?", Pete asked and finally looked at the road again.

I released a breath I didnt know I was holding.
"Yeah, I mean... kinda. I had help from the woman working there. Her name is Jessy and she was really nice. I dont know anything about art and she helped me pick out everything", I explained.

Pete nodded but didn't say anything.
That kind of made me suspicious. He was acting weird about the whole present thing.
"Was that wrong or something? Like... your kinda acting weird", I straight up said.
I was afraid that Pete would tell me that Gerard would hate my present and that Melanie just fucked with me when she told me about the things he likes.

But Pete seemed to worry about something entirely different.
"You like Gerard, dont you?", he asked.

To say that I was taken aback by his question would be the understatement of the year.

"You like him", Pete stated as if it was already perfectly clear.
What did he mean when he said 'like'. Theres different types of 'like'. And I guess I had to like Gerard at least as a Boss, because I still stuck around that job even though he was kinda mean all the time.
But something told me that Pete meant a different and way deeper kind of 'like'.
And I didn't like that.

"Why the hell would you think that?!", I exclaimed once I had come to my senses again

Pete shrugged and said:
"None of the others have ever bought him presents and even bothered to ask us other servant for advice on what he likes. It seems like you're putting more effort into him than the usual folks do."

"Oh and just because I care about somebody's wellbeing I have to want to marry them? Real mature. How old are we? Twelve?"

"Not exactly but you getting all defensive over this tells me that theres more to all of this than you would like to admit", Pete gave me a smirk through the mirror before looking back at the road.

I glanced at him and wished that looks could really kill.
"Why do you even care? Jealous?"

Pete laughed.
"Oh hell nah. I love Patrick with all my heart and that wont change all that soon.
No, I just want to make sure, that's all."

I got a little mad, if you couldn't tell.
"Well I do not like him like that and even if I did, it would be none of your business"

"I know i know. Sorry for asking. I just... worry about both of you. Gerard can be a very sweet man if hes given the chance but hes so super easily breakable. And... I dont think that an affair would be all too useful for the condition hes in. And when it comes to you... yes Gerard is sweet but very hard to handle. He has problems and I dont think you're ready to face them. Dont be offended, you're doing a great job but everybody has their own comfort zone and I think this will have you stepping out of there pretty soon. Hes unpredictable, Frank"

Am I going crazy or did this just sound like a warning. He was acting like Gerard was dangerous or something. When in reality he was just a rich man with psychological problems. Nothing too hard to handle.

"I think I know what I'm doing", I scuffed but felt instant regret.
I didnt need to be rude to Pete. He was trying to be nice and even worried about me.

I hadn't had somebody care about me in a long time. Well, besides my mother of course!

"Listen, Pete: I appreciate your concerns but I am just trying to do my job well. I'm not trying to get with Gerard in any way and I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one. I dont like Gerard and Gerard doesn't like me"

Pete nodded and it seems like he decides to let this topic go. Either because he didnt have anything more to say or because we were just coming to a halt in front of the art store.

"I'll be right back", I announced and practically jumped out of the car. When I got out I took a deep breath. This conversation had made me really uncomfortable.

I didnt like Gerard.
I really didnt.
But that wasn't important right now because I had to pick up this handmade, well thought-through and personalized gift from the store.

For Gerard.

The man I did not like.

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