Chapter 13

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The next day was kind of weird. And the days after that.

Neither Gerard nor I talked about our late night talk and I didn't hear him cry for the last few days so I didnt bother him more than necessary.
And even though he was a little nicer to me, he still refused to get up and eat more than the little breakfast I would force him to eat every morning.

Meanwhile I had gotten back to eating with the rest of the staff members.
I avoided Melanie but I wasnt as angry at her as I was a few days ago. Hearing Gerard say that hed forgiven her made me a little less mad. Though I still didn't talk to her more than necessary.

I spent a lot of time with Pete and Patrick. Most of the time they both hung around the kitchen talking and cuddling occasionally. Sometimes I felt like the third wheel but most of the time we had fun. Working like this was easy.
I didn't have to go see Gerard all that often during the day. He was often fast asleep when I would check up on him so there was nothing to do for me.

I also spent a lot of time with Jenny and helped her clean when she had a lot of work to do. I felt bad for her because she had so much on her list while I was practically doing nothing.

Today I was taking a walk through the beautiful garden.
Mike really did a great job with the flowers.
I really couldn't keep a plant alive if my life depended on it and I respected everybody that could.
Just as I thought about asking Mike for advice on how to care for flowers - because I wanted to surprise my mother with them - I saw him work at the end of the garden.
I walked up to him, not knowing what else to do because Gerard was asleep again.

"Hey Mike!", I called out.
He turned his head in my direction and smiled when he saw me.
"Oh, hey Frank! What's up?"
Mike wore a green overall with a white shirt underneath that had a few dirt stains on them. No surprise because it seemed like he was planting some exotic flowers.

"Nothing really. I'm just taking a walk admiring your flowers. You're really good at your job.", I said.

Mike laughed and whipped a little bit of sweat off his forehead.
"Thank you! I've always loved flowers. Working here is like a dream because I get to see and plant all those different flowers!"

"Well all the plants i touch seem to die", I said laughing awkwardly.

"Maybe... get a cactus or something? Or at least try keeping one alive?", he suggested.
I nodded and I actually liked that idea.
I couldn't give a cactus to my mom but then again, I could always buy flowers.
At least once she got out of the hospital.

"Yeah. I think I will try that"

"Why aren't you with Gerard?", Mike asked and got back down on his knees to keep working.

"He's asleep", I sighed and watched him dig a hole for the next bundle of flowers that he carefully placed next to the other ones.

"Are you sure? Because I just saw him standing at his window looking at you", Mike said.

I frowned then quickly turned around and looked up searching for gerards window.
The sun was in my eyes and it was hard to see but Mike was right.
I almost didnt see him but that was definitely someone standing at Gerards window.
I couldn't see if it was really Gerard though.
But shortly after I turned around the figure in the window disappeared behind the curtains.

"I'm not sure if that was him. Could have been Jenny or Melanie", I said.
"I wouldn't be so sure. If I was you I would have a look just in case hes actually awake.", Mike said in return.

He was right. If it was really Gerard and he was awake I should probably check up on him. That's my job after all. Also I felt like I was distracting Mike from his own work by talking to him so I quickly said 'goodbye' and made my way into the house.

It was a very hot afternoon with the sun literally burning on your skin. I was relieved when I got back inside where it was nice and cool.
The sweat on my back even almost made me shiver when I stepped into the cold hallways.

I quickly went up to Gerards room and went inside after knocking of course.
Like I had expected he was laying in bed facing the other wall like always.

"Hey there!", I said, "were you just at the window?"

"No", Gerard said.
I knew he was lying because he hesitated before answering.

"Oh come on", I joked, "you can tell me the truth! And it's so awesome! Isn't it a beautiful day? And isn't the garden just absolutely stunning?"
I was super excited because Gerard getting up by himself meant that we were actually getting somewhere!

"Shut up, will ya?", Gerard huffed and turned around in bed, "flirting with the other servants is highly unprofessional."

What the fuck?
"What are you talking about? I'm not flirting with anybody!", I exclaimed. I really didnt know what he was talking about.

"Oh dont play dumb now! Its obvious it's not the flowers you're interested in out there!"

Did he really think I was flirting with Mike?!
"Mike? Really? I'm not flirting with him! We're just friends and I really dont know what would give you any other idea!", I said and involuntarily git into a defensive pose.

"I know what I saw and what I heard. And things like this get both of you thrown out if this continues."

Wait... heard?
I went up to the window Gerard was looking through and peeked behind the curtains. And really... the window was open.

"You were eavesdropping? For real?", I couldn't help but laugh.
The first time in god knows how long for Gerard to actually get up and do something and he's eavesdropping on me.
That's ridiculous. 

"Okay listen", I sighed, "I can promise you that there's nothing going on with me and any of the servants here. And it will stay that way."

I decided not to say anything about Pete and Patrick because if Gerard was serious right now their relationship could cost them both their jobs and I didn't want that.

Gerard just huffed and I swear he was even pouting a little.
How cute.

"So... now that you're awake and clearly in the mood for to do something... let's do something!"
I tried to sound as cheery as possible hoping that a little of this cheeriness would get to Gerard.

But of course it didn't.
"Hell nah", he spat out and tried to turn away again but I just stepped to the other side of the bed making him face me again.

"Why not?", I asked, "its such a beautiful day and you're wasting it!"

"I dont care if the day is beautiful to you. Theres nothing I would want to do."

I thought for a moment.
"If I found something you would want to do, would you at least give me a chance?", I asked.

Gerard was quiet and seemed to think about it.
"Can I stay in bed for it?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on what i can find"

"I'll only do it if i can stay in bed for it"

"Fine... Deal"

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