Chapter 14

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Even the next day I wasnt over the fact that Gerard believed that I was flirting with Mike.
I mean... he was cute, that's for sure but not really my type.
Then on the other hand I didnt even know if I had a type. I never really noticed.
Also, how did Gerard know i was bisexual? I never told him that. But he probably only jumped to conclusions there.

I couldn't help but ask myself if Gerard was straight or not.
Not that it would really make a difference. I was just curious.
We didn't seem to have that much in common so it would be funny if this was something we'd be similar in.

I also thought about the deal I had with Gerard.
About how he said he would do something other than staring at a wall if I found something interesting.
I already knew that he liked art but one thing just wasnt enough for me.
I decided to ask Melanie again, even though I really didnt want to. But she knew Gerard best after all.

It didnt take long for me to find her. She was in the dining room having a cup of coffee. She was probably on her break.

First i went to the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. Then I took the chair in front of her.
"Hey Frank", Melanie smiled.
"Hey", was all I said.

I know I only wanted to ask about what Gerard liked but being alone with Melanie gave me the chance to confront her about her lies.

"I know that you lied to me", I said, "when you talked about Gerard and how he just stopped talking to you before he left."

"W-what are you talking about?", Melanie let out a nervous laugh showing that she knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Dont act dumb. I talked to Gerard and he told me everything. About how you were the traitor that just switched sides when it was convenient"

Melanie looked like I had just slapped her. Obviously I was the first one to ever call her out on her lie.
"I-I dont know what to say, Frank...", she stuttered and the grip around her cup tightened.
"Welk you can start by admitting that you lied and telling me the truth. But for real this time", I suggested.

She hesitated for a moment but nodded after all.
"Okay yes i lied. But you have to put yourself in my position.  I was only a child and all that bullying... it broke me. I was so scared to go to school in the morning and i couldn't sleep. I was done!
And that's when Alisson came up to me and offered me a place in her inner circle. You have to know that Alisson was the quarterbacks girlfriend and one of the more popular girls. And I just saw my chance and took it! And it worked. The bullying stopped and I was so relieved I completely forgot about Gerard! And when they picked on him I didnt have a choice. I had to do it too because otherwise I'd be kicked out again and all hell would break lose. I couldn't let that happen. And it wasnt easy. I really liked Gerard. He was my only friend for so famn long. It hurt having to hurt him. You know?"

"No I dont know", I growled, "I understand that you were still a kid but even then you should have had enough brain cells to understand what you were doing! And I can definitely not understand why you would just go out of your way and lie to make Gerard the bad guy!"

"I-I dont know what to say."

"You're repeating yourself", I laughed bitterly.

"Listen... I know what I did was wrong and i am sorry, okay? I dont know why i lied to you. It just made me feel better I guess", she said after a while.

"You don't have to apologise to me. Gerard is the one you should say that to. You can call yourself lucky for having a boss like him. He knows what you're saying about him and hes still letting you stay here because he feels sorry for you."

Melanie lowered her head in shame and even her shoulders were hanging as if she was really sorry. I just hoped that she was sorry enough to actually never tell that stupid lie again.

"Now, I don't care about what you do now but if you asked me, you should apologise to Gerard. I didnt really want to talk to you to be honest but I need your help."
After having said what I wanted to day I could finally ask her about Gerards interests.
"Of all servants here you know him the best and I need a little information. And please. Dont lie this time. You two have been friends so you probably know what he likes and doesn't like. I want to help him. I really do and I need to know what he was interested in. Can you help me?"

"I don't know, Frank", she sighed, "I told you we've only been together at school never in our spare time. I dont think I'm much help here."

"Come on, you must know SOMETHING!"

I gave her some time to think and leaned back in my chair.
My coffee now had the perfect temperature to drink so it fodnt even bother me that she took longer to answer.
I had to day that Patrick's coffee was delicious!

"I remember that he liked comics a lot. He used to bring one to school every other day for about two years but then he stopped too. He never really said why just mentioned that his mother didnt want him to read something like that. Oh and he loved to draw. Mostly comics again. And he was really good to!
And he was into music. I remember music being his favourite subject. And art of course. I dont know if he plays any instruments though. But one time him and I sneaked into the music room during lunch break and just played all the instruments we could reach until one of the teachers threw us out. We had a lot of fun that day...", she said suddenly.

Okay so we have art, music and comics. That's at least something I can work with even though I only know shit about music.

"Okay that's enough I guess", I said and drank the last bit of coffee in my cup before standing up.
"Thanks Melanie but I hope you know that I am still mad at you for lying"

"I know...", she said, "but I wish you the best of luck with Gerard. He is a good person and deserves to be happy again. And if theres anyone that can help him with that, it's you. I was serious about you being different."

I just huffed and left Melanie alone again.
After putting my empty cup into the dishwasher I went to my room to pack a few things. Today is friday meaning that I would go home tomorrow to visit my mother and check on my apartment.

I decided to go shopping for Gerard tomorrow too.

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