Chapter 37

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Never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined how this night came to an end.

The tornado fortunately missed our town but struck even harder only a few miles away. Over 40 people lost their lives and hundreds lost all their belongings and homes.
It was a horrible event for all of the victims and I felt more than bad when hearing about it on the news the next day.
Many volunteers came to help build up what had been destroyed by nature, which kind if restored my faith in humanity.

Again, I was glad that the tornado has missed us completely.
Not that I would have noticed anything that night anyway.

Just like the storm going from bad to worse in seconds, the situation in the hospital basement escalated as quickly.

I want to say that telling Gerard to basically grab my dick in my pants to find a tattoo that wasnt even there, had been a joke. To see how far he would go.
But actually I was just begging for him to touch me.
All the making out sessions and my feelings that have been growing stronger the minute, made me lightheaded.
It was a dangerous game.
Why? Because it made me careless. That's right. I didn't care anymore.
I didn't care about how the relationship between me and Gerard was wrong and how it could make me lose my only source of income. This was the best job I have ever had and probably also the best one I will ever get. It payed so well for so little work. And I could use the money. My sick mother was just a few story's above us relying on me for paying for the ridiculously high medical bills.

But I was willing to take the risk.
To lose everything.
For Gerard.

So even though it took me a little by suprise when he - without further hesitation - slipped his hand in my pants,I didnt do anything to stop him.
At first he was only caressing my upper legs, moving his hands in circles.
My dick was already rock hard and I really hoped that he felt the same desperation I did.
And he did, because I didnt even have to beg for him to stop teasing me. Without any warning sign he just wrapped his hands around my shaft. There was still the thing underwear cloth in between his hand and my dick but damn... that simple touch almost made me cum on the spot.

"Fuck", I whispered.
I didn't know if Gerard heard it.

"So... I couldnt find any tattoo", Gerard whispered.
He knew exactly what he was doing to me as he started moving his hand very lightly over my length.

"Yeah I-... fuck... I guess I lied"

Gerard giggled.
"Oh no... how could you do that to me, Frankie?"

He fastened his grip and now I couldn't hold back a moan anymore. My head hurr already from trying to hold it in.

"Sorry", I said but my tone gave away that i wasnt sorry at all.

"So... should we go on with this or do you want to chicken out again?", Gerard asked after a few seconds of just rubbing me through my boxers.
I was halfway getting mad because he put it like that. Its not that I thickened out, I just felt like that was the best thing to do in that moment.
But okay... I guess I chickened out...

"Only... only if you let me touch you too", I said.
Without waiting for his permission I reached forward and was glad to find his hard-on. So he wasn't as cool as he was trying to seem.

"I think we should both get rid of that nasty stuff. It's just in the way", Gersrd said and tucked on my underwear.
God... I was just waiting for him to say that!

Before doing anything I decided to just lean forward and press my lips on his. And even though we have kissed several times before, this time was completely different. It felt wild and hot and wet and... it just felt like sex. And that kiss alone told me everything I needed to know. Every but of doubt I had in my head was blown away by this kiss. I knew Gerard wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I could feel it.

After a minute we broke the kiss and I swear I've never undressed this fast in my entire life.
Gerard on the other hand was a little hesitant. I didn't expect anything else. I knew that he wasnt fond of his body. He had told me before.
So I took his hands in mine and placed them on my chest.

I knew that he couldn't see me in the dark but I still tried to give him the most reassuring look I had to offer.
"You are beautiful, Gerard. And I swear, if we end up doing this, i will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Please... don't be scared now"
I didnt know if that is what Gerard wanted or needed to hear but it seemed to work. He was back to his flirty self and and I could hear in his voice that he was smiling.

"How nice of you, Frankie", he said.
Then he came closer to my ear and whispered:
"But tonight I want you to treat my like your whore."

That sentence sent shivers down my spine and made me harder than I already was.
Fuck... hearing Gerard say that was so unbelievably hot.
And damn... he didnt have to tell me twice.

In a quick motion I changed our position so that now I was hovering over Gerard. His eyes went wide. He probably didnt expect me to hop onto his wish that quickly.

"Like that?", I asked and ridnt even give him the time to answer before I crashed our lips together. I kissed him hard and let our bodies touch as much as possible.
We were completely naked now. Gerard had thrown off his last pieces of clothing within seconds just a few moments before.

"Yeah...", Gerard breathed out when I broke the kiss.

"Well then... how about I fuck you like the whore you apparently are, huh?"

Gerard only nodded.

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