Chapter 33

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At first I was scared to get Gerard out of the house. I mean... he hadn't been out in a pretty long time and just wasnt used to the outside world.
But after I held open literally every door for him, forced him to eat and extra portion of egg and drink a second cup of coffee and even made him bring a spare jacket in case it got cold, Gerard snapped at me.

"You dont have to treat me like I'm a baby, okay?", he hissed as I held the jacket out for him. I had a bag with spare clothes for the weekend in my other hand.

"Sorry, Gerard. I just want to make sure everything is okay with you and you're ready for this trip", I explained.
He took the jacket from my hands and rolled his eyes.

"First of all, were just driving to the other side of town. It's not like this is an international road trip. Second of all, this was your idea too and third of all... the only reason I haven't been out si long is because I simply didn't want to. Its not like I'm scared of the outside or something. So please... dont act like I'm made if glass."

"I'm sorry I'll try not to do it again. It's just... I cant believe you actually agreed on coming with me just like that"

Gersrd shrugged.
"Your mom seems like a nice person and it would be great to actually talk to someone who... understands, you know?"

I was about to tell him again that therapy was still an option but I was scared of talking myself into something like I always do and thus spoil Mikeys plan.
And I promised not to tell Gerard about anything.
So even though I didn't like keeping something like this from him, I would have to keep my promise.

"Yeah I guess I know", I sighed, "let's go. Pete is already waiting for us downstairs."

I gestured for him to follow me and finally left the mansion for the weekend.
Gerard followed, though a little hesitant when he stepped outside. He instantly scrunched up his nose and shut his eyes because apparently the sun was still a little much for him. And even though it was totally his fault because he was always sitting in the dark, I did feel kind of bad for him.
I should have brought some shades with me or something.

I looked back and saw Melanie, Jenny and Patrick peek through the door, staring at us.
The fact that Gerard was going to leave the house spread like a wildfire through the whole crew and nobody would actually believe it. Now they were watching us with big eyes and almost opened mouths in complete disbelief.
It made me feel proud.

I turned around again and saw that Gerard was already heading to the black car parked right in front the garden entry.
I quickly ran up to him but before I could open the car door for him, he opened it himself and gave me a sour look that said something like: "dont you fucking dare"

"Good morning, Sir", Pete said and looked at Gerard through the rearview mirror.
"Frank", he said after that and gave me a nod.
Things were still kind of weird between the both of us ever since our little fight but it was starting to get better. Especially now that I have to admit that Pete was right all along and felt bad for everything I've said to him.
I didn't want to apologize though so I tried to make it up by... being nice again I guess.
I know its stupid but dont judge me.

"Hello, Mr. Wenz. Long time no seen", Gerard said and actually smiled for once.
I asked myself how long they hadn't seen each other face to face despite living in the same building.
But because Pete was the driver here they probably never had the chance to actually run into each other.
"Yes, Sir, it's been a really long time I guess"

There was a moment of silence which felt super awkward all of a sudden. It made me feel like there was something unspoken going on between Gerard and Pete and I didnt know if I wanted to know what it was about.

"So...", I finally said, "are we gonna leave or stay here till midnight?"

"Yeah right", Pete said quickly and started the car, "where should I bring you two?"

"The Evergreen Hospital, please", I said and buckeled up. Gerard did the same.

"Oh, Sir, by the way... there has been a thunderstorm warning going on for a few days now so... would it be okay for me to pick you up before six pm? The storm is supposed to start at seven and I would like to have us all inside when that happens. It's supposed to be a really rough one"

"But it's like... summer! I havent heard of a thunderstorm warning", I said and frowned. We hadn't had a real storm in months.
"Yeah, the summer storms are the worst. If you take a moment you can even feel the electricity in the air, you know?"

I frowned even more.
Electricity? Feel?

"I'm not sure if it's going to be as bad as the news make ot out to be but I wouldn't want to be outside when it happens. Just in case. You can of course do whatever you want and I will follow your orders I just thought I'd let you know."

"Thank you for informing us, Mr. Wenz. We will try to be ready by six.", Gerard said.

I didnt say anything else to that.
A thunderstorm? But there wasnt a single cloud in this super blue sky, so how would the be a fucking thunderstorm. And also one that is supposed to be so bad that the media is talking about it.
I didnt really want to believe that.

I just wanted to get to the hospital as fast as possible and see my mom. I really missed her.

We got to our destination very quick. Way quicker than the first time Pete drove me home and I was already bubbling inside from excitement.
Gerard seemed to be a little nervous.
Was he also scared about his health because of his weakened immune system like his brother was?
But maybe I just imagined it because when we got out of the car there was no such trace of any kind of nervousness in his face or his gestures.
I still took my time to get my bag out of the car. I was going to walk home after this and leave Gerard with Pete to get him home too.

"Are you ready?", I asked once I had my bag out of the trunk.

Gersrd only nodded.

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