Chapter 15

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It's crazy how I only lived in the Way Mansion for as little as a week and still my own apartment didnt feel like home anymore.
It seemed so small compared to my room in that big house with the marbel bathrooms.

I sighed and put my stuff i had packed tor the weekend in my bedroom before sitting down on my own couch, turning on the TV to check on the news.
A shooting here, some climate change debates there. Nothing i was particularly interested in.
I decided to keep the TV on even though there was nothing to watch and went to the kitchen to get some food.
But when I opened the fridge I remembered that I had thrown out most of the stuff that was in there because I didnt want anything to go bad while I was away.

I had to go shopping anyway so I might as well go now.

I sighed again and closed the fridge. I couldn't help but think about Patrick's cooking skills and how I would kill for some fresh pancakes and eggs. How stupid it was of me to refuse to have breakfast with the others today.
I guess I missed my own place and wanted to get there as soon as possible but now that I was here I missed something else entirely.
I even missed Gerard huffing and hissing at me when I woke him up!

I quickly gathered the stuff I needed for shopping such as my credit card and a bag.
Before I left the house I quickly called the hospital to ask if my mother was ready for a little visit. The told me that she wasnt feeling that well lately but that she would surely be happy about me coming. It didnt really matter what they said. I would have visited her anyway.
I just like to make sure to be prepared for what I would have to see. That might seem kinda cruel and maybe even cold but... you know... I love my mother and seeing her in her worst state kills me a little every time. I want to be prepared for that.

I quickly left my apartment, now excited to see my mum again and even stopped by a little shop to get her her favourite chocolates on the way. I didnt get my paycheck yet (again, I was only there for a week) but not having to spend money on food and such really gave me the opportunity to spend some money on other things. Like my mum.

It didnt take long for me to arrive at the hospital. The tall grey building wasn't that far away and I was a fast walker. The staff members already knew me so I could just walk in and out of my mums room whenever I wanted to.
If Nurse Jacky was there she'd even let me stay past the normal visiting hours!

When I entered the hospital I almost smiled because coming here felt more like coming home that actually coming home, if you know what I mean. I spent most of my time here with my mother. Even when I was younger.

Her cancer got diagnosed when I was still very young and she would take me to all her appointments. I used to think that she did that because she didnt what to leave me alone at home but now I know it's because she didn't want to be alone herself. I couldn't blame her. I've seen her go through a lot of painful therapies and I was glad she let me be with her to at least have some company.
I just always wished my father was still alive to help her get through this.
Hut accidents happen. And some end deadly. Ive long moved on from the pain that drunk driver brought to my family. I still just didnt like to think about it.

I shook my head to get rid of the memories of my father and my mother and how things got so much worse in such a short time and finally arrived at her room.
I knocked and entered my mum's room.

I was surprised. My mother looked way bette than I had expected. After the nurses told me that she wasnt feeling well on the phone I almost expected her to be asleep but even though she looked very tired, she sat straight up on her bed when she saw me.

"Frankie baby!", she exclaimed and opened her arms wide for me to hug her.
I did just that and said: "Hi mum! How are you feeling today? Look, I brought you something!"

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