Chapter 32

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The next few days were pretty uneventful.
I didn't see Mikey all that often. He was mostly in his room or on the phone and only smiled at me or gave me a nod when we crossed ways in the hallway.
I brought Gerard some food and made him eat it most of the time, then we spent the days together - him drawing and me watching trash TV. That's how we spent our days.
At night I mostly sneaked into his room when he was crying. And sometimes even when he wasn't crying.
At first it felt kind fo awkward, because technically I had mo need to be in his room at night but Gerard even seemed to be waiting for me to come and visit him.
And after a while it became natural.

I was about to go to my own room to sort through some stuff and pack for the weekend when I ran into Mikey.
Again he smiled at me but instead of walking past me, he stopped.

"Oh Frank! Great to see you, I was actually looking for you!", he greeted me.
I instantly got nervous.
Was he going to tall about the kissing incident?
But Gersrd said that i wouldn't have to worry about him.
But was he really sure?
I mean... Mikey could always just tell Gerard what he wanted to hear and come after me now.

"Uhm... sure? What is this about, Sir?", i asked.

"Already told you not to call me that. 'Sir' is my father who is a stuck up asshole and I really hope I dont come off as a stuck up asshole", Mikey gave me another smile and i could feel myself blush.

"No of course not. I'm sorry I totally forgot about that", I apologised.

"Yeah your thought seemed to be somewhere else when I told you", he gave me a little wink.

Before I could even feel embarrassed about this he pointed behind himself and said: "how about we go to my office and have a little chat?"

I just nodded and followed him when he turned around and went towards a door I've never seen open before.
I had the suspicion that this was really about the night he walked in on me and his little brother kissing.
My hands began to shake and I started sweating.
Was he going to throw me out? But he didnt seem like the kind of person to do so.

"Gerard said that you're a student at a European university", I said as we got into the room.
Maybe I could buy myself some time to find an explanation for what Mikey had seen.

"Yes I am. I am almost done. I'm working on my Masters degree in international business but I dont want to more you with that. Please take a seat"
He pointed to a leather chair standing in the middle of the room.

The room looked just like every other room in this building. But instead of a bed there was a huge desk with a large Computerscreen on top.
On the other end of the room where I had a wardrobe, there was a shelf with many many different coloured folders.
It looked nice but a little too professional and serious for my liking.

I sat down where Mikey had told me to and he took the other chair.
"So...", he sighed and started fumbling with some papers on his side of the desk.

"Gerard told me that he would like to come visit somebody with you on the weekend. Is that true?", he asked.

I was confused, but also relieved.
So he didn't want to talk about the kiss.
But why didn't he want to talk about the kiss?

"Yes that's true. I want to visit my mother at the hospital and he wanted to come with me", I explained.
I leaned back in the chair getting myself in a more comfortable position. 

"Oh that's nice. Is there anything I would need to know about that visit? Like... I hate to ask but I need to make sure my brother is safe. If you know what I mean. He hasn't been outside in a long time so his immune system might be a little weak."

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