Chapter 30

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*A/N* sorry about all the cliffhangers I guess that's just what my fanfic writer brain tells me to add all the time xD

Enjoy your chapter and let's say hello to our newest character....

"Gerard are you in there? Melanie said you'd be... oh..."
The door opened and a tall, skinny man entered.
When he saw me and Gerard on the bed he instantly stopped and had a look of distress on his face.
I couldn't blame him. He just walked in on us making out on the fucking bed.

Time seemed to be frozen as none of us moved but as soon as my mind came back from fucking Nevada and realized what had just happened I jumped off of gerard and off the bed.
Gerard followed soon but stood a few feet away from me looking more than surprised but not nearly as anxious as he should.
My hands instantly started trembling as I tried to get all my clothes back to the right spot and my hair in a less messy style to at least make a better appearance.

"Uhm... did I interrupt something?", the stranger suddenly asked. He seemed to have called from the shock and now only looked at us with a smug expression.
That kind of confused me because neither did he seem angry nor disgusted.

"Clearly", Gerard stated.

What? Did Gersrd know this man?
Or why wasn't he like... freaking out like me right now?

"What are you even doing here, Mikey?", Gerard asked.

Mikey? Hm... I think I've heard that name before but I couldn't quite say when.

"There has been a major accident at my university so I'm on vacation for a few weeks and I thought I could suprise my baby brother", the stranger - whose name was apparently Mikey - explained.
I was still standing there completely confused as to what was happening but neither Gerard nor Mikey seemed to notice me.

But suddenly a little detail of what Mikey had said hit me.
He was Gerards older brother.
Micheal Way.
Of course.

I started looking back and forth between those two and yeah... I could see the similarities in their faces.

"Michael Way...", I murmured to myself and shook my head.
Unbelievable that I would meet Gerards brother like this.

The both of them seemed to have heard me because their heads snapped in my direction. Michael instantly gave me a huge smile and went right up to me.
He help out his hand for me to shake.
"The one and only", he said and winked, "and you must be Frank Iero, am I right?"

I nodded my head and shook his hand.
"Yeah... I'm Frank, Sir", I said.

"Oh please dont call me Sir! Makes me feel super old", he giggled.
The more he said the more comfortable with the situation I got.
He didnt seem like he was a bad guy and he also didnt seem like he was going to rip my head off for kissing his brother.
This could be worse.

"I would like to have a chat with my brother for a second. We havent seen each other in quite a while and have a lot to catch up on. So you can take the rest of the day off I'll take care of Gerard in the meantime. It's nice outside why dont you go out for a bit?"

Oh... okay?
Well... maybe this could really get worse. I didnt know what Mikey was going to say to Gerard once I was gone.
Not that Gerars couldn't defend himself but i had the feeling that they would talk about me and that made me kind of uncomfortable.

"Yes of course I'll leave you two alone. Should I bring you dinner later, Gerard?", I asked in his direction.
Gerard opened his mouth to say something but Mikey talked first.
"That wont be necessary I will take care of that. Thank you, Frank. Relax yourself today. You seemed to be... working hard"

A grin appeared on Mikeys face and I wasnt sure if he was making fun of us or if he was being passive aggressive.
I decided to not try and find that out today and just follow his advice.

I didn't say anything and just nodded at the two before I scurried out of the room.

What the hell did just happen?

So... Gerard and I happen to make out again and get caught by his FUCKING BROTHER.
I mean... what are the odds?
And why couldn't he have arrived like two hours later?
Then we wouldn't be in trouble.
On the other hand I still didnt know if we were in trouble.

But if so, I was sure to have a huge fucking problem.
I was surely going to get fired.

I closed the door to my own room behind me and allowed myself to sigh heavily.
I was alone and super fucking nervous.

But I tried to remind myself that I shouldn't freak out just now because I wouldn't find out anything before tomorrow... or tonight.
And mikey was right. The weather was nice outside and I could really use a walk or something.

I did feel a little sweaty already because... well I dont have to explain that but I didnt want to take a shower just now.
Gerard and his brother were still in the room next to the bathroom and I would feel weird knowing that they couldn't both hear me.
Especially after what had just happened.

So I just left the room.
And then the building.
And I just started walking. I only came back when it was starting to get dark outside and I have to say that the fresh air really worked its wonders.
I felt way calmer than before and like I could face everything that would possibly be thrown at me tomorrow.

And even though Mikey told me to work again tomorrow, I still went over to Gerards room to check up on him before going to sleep.
Gerard himself was sleeping peacefully and I hoped that he wouldn't wake up and cry again.

But of course he did at three in the morning.
And of course I went over to his room to comfort him again.

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