May I return pls?

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Okay everybody this is an authors note so if you're not interested in why I left and if this story continues, then you may leave now.

I have been gone for YEARS literally. Haven't updated in a looooong time.

But why?

Now that I have checked when I uploaded the last part of this story, it hasn't been that long actually. Only two years but still... basically everything has changed.
When I started this story I really didnt know where to go with it. I had a vague idea if the plot but bot where to take it and I just started writing. I wasnt happy at that time. Not happy in general.

In fact I was in a really really dark place and about a year after publishing the last chapter I tried to kill myself and had to spend 6 months in a mental asylum.
Let me tell you... it was a wild ride from start to finish.
And life just went on.

I finished school. Not with the degree I was hoping for but at least I graduated. I started working part time. Managed to move out, got a boyfriend and a cat (in that order).
And o fixed my relationship with my parents.

So yeah... my life took a 180 degree turn.
Am I alright now?
Not really.
But then again you cant ever be completely alright with certain mental illnesses.
And that's okay.
It sucks but it's okay.

You still get a chance in life and everything is worth a try.
Well... at least most things are.

I also had a pretty severe change of character. I have learned to stand up for myself and not to take anything too serious. Also I can say that I have become a functioning adult paying Bill's and spending my money on useless stuff and fake nails (yes thats true and its really hard to type with them lol)

Will I continue this story?

I really dont know.
But I cant seem to give up on it. Over the time I was away I often thought of it and of you guys and so any people asked me to continue.
And now that MCR is back together it would make sense for me to continue.

I know why I never officially put this story on hold because for me it was always still going.

So yeah... I will be continuing this story I just cant tell you when.
I hope that satisfies some of you guys and I am really sorry that I just didnt upload without any explanation.

So thanks for sticking around and special thanks to the people asking about and texting me.
It made me feel very loved and like people actually read and enjoy what I am writing.

I am turing 20 next month and maybe you can tell that my english has gotten better over time so I hope my writing and story telling skills evolved like that too xD

See you soon loves!
And please stay safe in this weird and chaotic time!

Always remember to wash your hands and to NOT lick any random toilet seats ;)

With love,
Noisy (aka IBelieveInFrerard)

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