Chapter 29

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*A/N* hello everyone!
There have been a few... questions on my last chapter regarding the whole 'Frank asking Gerard if he shouldn't be in a psychiatric hospital after his suicide attempt' part. Let me clarify why I had Frank ask this and why that was a very valid question for me.
I live in germany and here we handle things differently than in other countries. Sometimes better sometimes not.
BUT it is normal and even lawful to send someone to a psych ward after a suicide attempt or if you are at danger of doing so. You will even get forces ny law to do so of you dont want to go on your own terms.
I know that because I went through the whole procedure last year after I attempted myself.
I didnt know that other countries dont handle it that way but here in Germany we take things like this very seriously and will get the law involved to get someone help.
Sooooo... I'm sorry I didnt clarify that and made basically everybody think that Frank is an insensitive prick. But where I'm from a question like this would be perfectly normal and valid.
I hope that explains things!

Love you - Take Care - Stay Safe

Enjoy your chapter :)

Kissing is easier than talking.
Maybe that is why Gerard and I kept doing it despite both of us knowing that it would only cause troubles.
But while our lips where touching, moving hard against each other, it was easy.
Easy enough to just forget what Gerard had said and how it made me feel for a moment.
Because kissing made me feel calm.

I didnt know what it made Gerard feel. The way he acted and the way he grabbed my hips didnt really give me a clue as to why he kept pulling me in for another kiss. But honestly I didnt care.
He kissed me the way I've always wanted to be kissed and it seemed like i could give him back just what he needed at the moment.

I didn't mind that it would put us in an awkward position again and i didn't mind that this was only a temporary solution to Gerards Problems.
At least not at the moment.
Once our lips would part again, all the worries would flow back. I knew that and that is why I pulled Gerard even closer, so I could push the awkward realization into the future for as long as I could.

And Gerard was a good kisser.
Not the best I've ever had but still very far up on my list. I enjoyed his lips and his taste.
He used a little too much tongue for my liking but hey... we're not going to nitpick here.

His lips tasted kind of salty because he had been crying obviously. But there was also a slight hint of mint in his breath like he had just brushed his teeth. And I liked that.

Gersrd moved his hands up and down my sides, over my back and occasionally over my ass too. I didn't mind. As long as he didn't try to undo my belt again.

I sent know why I didnt want to have sex with Gerard. I mean... I probably would have wanted to if I could have been sure that he was in the right mindset for it. I didnt want to take advantage of him and honestly... he couldn't have been able to make a choice as emotional as he was so it practically would be rape.
Yes I said it.

But kissing was okay, right?
Yes probably.

I sighed against Gerards mouth and slipped my fingers through his hair. It felt silky to the touch and I was surprised. He didnt seem like the guy who showered that often to be honest. I mean.. he hardly left his bed.
But his hair felt nice and well... not greasy which was a definite plus altogether.

Slowly I started tugging on a few strands of hair and again he let out a little moan. He seemed to like that obviously.
And I liked his moans so I tugged again, this time harder, causing his head to follow my hand with which I was guiding him to the bed.
No, i still didn't want to fuck him. But standing in the middle of the room kissing felt kind of... wrong.
Also the bed would be way more comfortable.
As i was pushing him back towards the bed I tried to keep an eye open so none of us would fall and again I got to admire Gerards beautiful face. Well... at least what I could see from my angle.

There was something about him that made him unbelievable attractive. At least to me.
His skin wasn't necessarily flawless. He did have a few red spots probably from not drinking enough water.
Hydration is important and I made a mental note to make him drink more from now on.
There were also bags under his eyes but that seemed kinda obvious to me, keeping in mind that he didnt sleep all that well.

But what I was very sure about was, that his lips were my favourite part of his face. Dry but yet soft. Just... very kissable altogether.

We finally made it to the bed and I was proud about the fact that I didn't have to break our kiss to get there. That required a lot of skill.

I kept pushing Getard until his lower legs hit the edge of the bed. It didnt require any more of anything, to make him let himself fall back onto the mattress.
For that we did break our kiss for a short moment.

Damn... he looked really hot spread out in front of me like this. His face was still a little red and I didnt know if it was because he had been crying or because of our kissing.
I hoped it was the latter.

He looked up at me with wide innocent eyes and I almost had to laugh at that. I knew that he was far from innocent still his look could almost convince me otherwise.

I took in the sight of him for a few more seconds before I also got on the bed, climbing right on top of him. Gerard put one hand behind my head and pulled me down so we could kiss again.
This time maybe even a little wilder than before.

The kiss was fast and dirty and within a few seconds I was rock hard.
Like last time I tried to keep myself a little more on distance with Gerards body, careful so our crotch area wouldn't be touching.
I knew it was petty but I guess even grinding fall into the same category as sex which still wasnt an option for me.
But again, Gerard had different plans.
His hands went down to my ass and then wandered around the area. Over my hips.
Over my stomache and then right to my dick.
He began rubbing over the bulge in my pants making it really hard for me to not just hold him down and fuck him mercilessly.

"Gerard... no...", I breathed out but every time I got away from his face to say something he was sure to follow my motions to keep our lips together.

If I had to pinpoint the exact moment Gerards and my relationship went out of hand and down the hill I would pick this one. 
Because as I was trying to stop Gerard from rubbing me through the Jeans, the door to his room opened and a tall, skinny man entered the room.
His eyes widened in shock.

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