Chapter 23: The Shopping Trip

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When Theodore came with my second monthly payment, I asked for another day off

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When Theodore came with my second monthly payment, I asked for another day off. He was loath to agree to it but eventually did, knowing that he couldn't deny me what was written into our contract.

I highly doubted that he would respond in a favorable way, but I still asked, "Can Harry please come with me? You're not doing him any favors by keeping him locked up here."

He tipped his head in an exasperated fashion. "Again with the dramatics. Fine, I suppose you and Harry can have one more day out. But my condition is this: Barrows will accompany you to all locations and there will be a handful of places you must avoid."

I stepped back and gave him an unbelieving look. "Do you realize how shady all of this is?" I demanded. "Withholding important information about Harry, paying me in cash, telling me where I can and can't go."

"I am a businessman, Juliette," he said coldly. "I run a tight ship in everything I do. In terms of where you go, you are welcome to travel across the world if you'd like as long as you're back in time to perform your duties. It's Harry I'm concerned about. Remember what I said about protecting him?"

"Yes, but I thought you were the one being dramatic," I sniffed indignantly.

"Hardly," he chuckled at my sarcasm. "Now, do we have a deal?"

"Of course," I said. "And thank you."

The next day, Harry and I headed out, accompanied by Clive, of course. Harry was tickled at the opportunity for another adventure. Our very first stop (after the Western Union transfer, of course) was the Kids' Market.

"Oh my gosh, I love it!" Was Harry's reaction upon seeing the building with a face painted on it.

"I knew you would," I laughed. "What should we do first?"

"Chocolates!" He cheered. We went straight to the place where I'd found all those exotic chocolate flavors and we sampled so many that we started to feel sick. I even convinced Clive to try a few since he had been roped into chaperoning us, which I doubted was in his contract. We bought several more chocolates in various flavors to take home and try at our leisure.

Next we found a costume shop with costumes for all ages. "Who do you want to be, Harry? Do you want to be a superhero?"

"Yes! Do they have Superman?" He asked. I looked at the clerk and she eyed Harry up to get his size. Then I told her I wanted to be Wonder Woman. Soon she came back with both costume bags and pointed us to the dressing room.

When we emerged from our respective rooms, we took one glance at each other and doubled over, laughing. Harry with his blue tights and me with my skimpy yet busty costume, we made a fine pair. Then we decided to try out costumes of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara and I explained who they were. It reminded us of dressing up for those old timey photos in Calgary, except Scarlett's dress was much more detailed and definitely lower cut. Harry's jaw dropped open when he saw me.

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