Chapter 53: The Lawyer

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My dad switched on the television the following morning while we ate breakfast and got ready for the day. I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the newscaster saying, "Theodore Blake, prominent Victoria businessman, will be released from the hospital this weekend and his arraignment hearing will be held on Monday. Blake is charged with several counts of kidnapping-"

"What?!" I shrieked, drying my hair with a towel. "He's getting out?"

As if replying to my panicked cry, a knock sounded on the door to the suite. My father looked through the peephole and opened the door to Officer Michaels. He introduced himself to my parents who thanked him profusely for looking after us.

"I'm afraid I have some concerning news," he told us as he came in and sat down in the living area.

"We know," I said, my heart still racing in alarm.

Officer Michaels continued. "I knew it might turn out this way, but I didn't want to worry you. Theodore Blake's arraignment hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 13. He will be released from the hospital over the weekend and held in custody until then. But after the arraignment, he will be out on bail. They already know that they don't have enough evidence to hold him until the trial."

Today was November 10, that was only three days from now. "When will the trial be?" I asked in a panic.

Officer Michaels took a deep breath and said, "In a case as complicated as this one, it could take a few months-"

"A few months?" I cried.

He held his hand out to me, indicating to let him finish. "It may take a few months to go to trial because there are so many charges against him. They have to have time to investigate all the allegations. What you need to do in the meantime," He spoke directly to Harry, "is to find a lawyer immediately and communicate everything you possibly can. That includes anything you can remember about the nannies that Theodore hired before Juliette."

Harry looked troubled, "I...I don't remember-"

"We're working on getting Theodore's personnel files right now," the officer told him. "That will help you remember names and give us the dates that they were with you. You just give details, the police will cooperate with your lawyer as far as finding those people to testify."

"Oh...okay," he answered but I could tell this was overwhelming for him. The only overwhelming piece for me was that Theodore was going to be out on bail. I had no doubt he would try to find us.

"But Theodore will try to kill us," I worried.

"You don't know that," Officer Michaels said. "Once a case is out in the open like this, the defendant usually behaves. So like I said, both of you find a lawyer. Today." And then he added. "But if you're worried, you can always file a restraining order. And lay low."

Officer Michaels left and I collapsed on the floor in a panic. "No, he can't go free. He's going to kill us, I know it!"

Harry and my father helped me up off the floor and flanked me from both sides, encasing me in the safety of their arms. "We're not going to let anything happen to you or Harry," Dad assured me. "Now get ready so we can go and talk to a lawyer." 

I managed to get in touch with Nathan Greenwood in Vancouver and explain to him why I hadn't been able to meet with him when I had first scheduled my appointment. He was more than understanding and immediately asked to meet with us, knowing this was a huge case that was already all over the news. He obviously knew our need was urgent.

When we arrived at Greenwood's office around 11:30 AM, I breathed a tiny sigh of relief, but I still had significant moments of fear, even though Theodore wasn't out of the hospital yet. Why the hell hadn't those officers killed him, for fuck's sake? He fired at the police chief, for heaven's sake! People are gunned down for less than that. It  was the first time I genuinely wished for someone's death and it made me feel a little bit sick. When I thought it through a bit more, I realized I would be happy to see Theodore be convicted and hopefully sentenced to many years in prison. In a twisted way, knowing he would suffer in prison would give me even greater satisfaction than knowing he was dead.

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