Chapter 21: The Meeting

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Warning: This chapter will piss you off

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Warning: This chapter will piss you off.

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I didn't hear a peep out of Theodore after we came back from Calgary and I wasn't even surprised, to be honest. I was pissed. He didn't get what he wanted so he was giving me - and Harry - the silent treatment.

I simply turned my attention back to Harry and I finished the Vineland scales over the course of the next week. Nothing, and I mean, nothing pointed to an intellectual disability. I finally worked up the courage to talk to Theodore about it and I wanted Harry to come with me.

We tried to go to his office, but the door to our suite was once again locked from the outside. I dialed Theodore's number.

"This is Theodore," he answered in his bored monotone.

"Hello, Theodore, this is Juliette. I need to talk to you."

"Uh," he began. He was speechless? This was a first. "May I ask what this is regarding?"

"Harry!" I snapped, knowing he was purposely being difficult.

"Ten minutes, my office," he said and hung up. Sure enough, one of his employees showed up to open the doors to the suite.

We arrived in Theodore's office and he sat behind his intimidating mammoth-sized desk. I wouldn't doubt that he had planned his office furnishings to come across that way, as if everyone who entered was subject to him.

Theodore looked up from his desk and saw Harry. "What is he doing here?"

"He's not allowed to attend his own conference?" I asked lightly. "Let's consider this a parent-teacher conference, shall we?" I took a seat and motioned for Harry to do the same.

Theodore rolled his eyes just a tad and huffed, sitting back in his chair. "Continue."

"As you've seen from the time you spent with him, Harry is maturing and developing excellent social skills, in addition to learning how to take care of himself. He's advancing in all his school subjects, faster than I can even teach him."

Theodore calmly suggested, "Well, why don't you take some time to review the topics with him?"

"With all due respect, he has memorized every worksheet I've ever given him. He has learned and memorized every math table there is, and his reading level has skyrocketed. He doesn't need review. He needs to be challenged. We need better curriculum and  you promised you would tell me about his condition and his medications."

Theodore's eyebrows drew together in a scowl. "I'd rather not discuss this in front of the boy."

"Why? He's almost an adult and he needs to learn to advocate for himself."

"He doesn't understand-"

"I do understand," Harry interjected. "I wa...want to know what's hap..hap..happening to me." He was twitching something terrible but I was proud of him for speaking up.

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