Chapter 54: The News

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When we woke up Saturday morning, I asked Harry, "Are you

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When we woke up Saturday morning, I asked Harry, "Are you...okay?"

He was lying there awake, staring at the ceiling, seemingly in his own little world. Finally he said, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"It scares me when you do what you did yesterday," I told him. "When you start talking like a little kid again. I think I understand why you do it but it still scares me. Like I wonder if you're somehow breaking with reality."

"I know," he whispered but he didn't add anymore. I leaned over and kissed him and then got up to shower. I really didn't know what we were supposed to do for the weekend while we just waited for Monday to roll around. I just couldn't believe Theodore was going to walk after his arraignment. My dad said that the news was reporting that "it wasn't immediately clear" who was responsible for the shooting (i.e. MY shooting) but he also suspected that Theodore was a very well-respected and powerful man who had a number of higher-up government and police officials wrapped around his finger. Boy did he have that right! 

I honestly feared for Harry more than myself. He had been under Theodore's control all his life and I was afraid he was really going to revert back to that child-like man for good so he wouldn't have to deal with the heavy reality awaiting us. We needed to get him in to see the psychiatrist as soon as possible, but when we had called to make an appointment, they said they were scheduling new patients for after Christmas. That was still two months away. And I sure as hell didn't want to admit him to a psychiatric hospital knowing what a freak show those places could be. An environment like that could do him more harm than good. I just had to make sure to give him as much encouragement, love and support as humanly possible.

But I was scared, too, and part of me wanted to run away and pretend that none of this had ever happened. I wasn't sure if I could be strong enough for the both of us.

Mom and Dad convinced us to go out and do something for the day instead of remaining cooped up in the hotel room. It wasn't easy, but once we were out, it was actually great. The weather was still mild for early November in Canada. The sun was shining and the last of the colors had lingered to make it a vibrant day.

We went out for lunch at a fantastic fish and chips place. Then we went to Granville Island, where I had done much of my shopping on my few days off. Instead of hitting up the Kids' Market - I even asked Harry if wanted to and he said no - we explored more adult-friendly shops that sold hand-crafted jewelry, pottery, clothing and more. I set my mind on the holidays and thought about what I wanted to get for my family for Christmas. And Harry, too, of course. It was actually a pleasant diversion for the day.

I hadn't really checked my phone all day, but when we arrived back at the hotel, I noticed I had several missed calls. My sisters were wondering how I was doing. They had been getting their updates through Mom and Dad and didn't want to add to my stress by making me go through every detail of my captivity and escape. But now they were both eager to talk. I called each of them and we tried to keep the conversations light. Harry was happy to see Helena when I FaceTimed her, they chatted for a bit and she expressed her gratitude that we were both safe. Then I called Katherina and introduced her as well, and when my parents called Oscar to check in, they introduced him to Harry over the phone. They didn't typically use Skype or FaceTime as much as we did, but I promised Oscar that Harry and I would Skype him some time soon.

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