Chapter 28: The Files

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The days were finally cooling off and Harry and I enjoyed as much time as we could outdoors

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The days were finally cooling off and Harry and I enjoyed as much time as we could outdoors. He loved exploring nature and I often brought my phone out in the woods so we could search up the answers to any and all questions that he had about plants and trees and wildlife. I was doing rather well controlling my attraction to him but I found myself wanting to snuggle and cuddle with him all the damn time. I told myself it was because he hadn't gotten enough physical affection when he was growing up, and that was partly true. But I just loved being close to him. He was warm and comforting in a situation where everything else was so uncertain.

I found myself feeling safe with him, which was very strange since I was the one trying to protect him from so much. I knew he was crushing on me, which meant he cared deeply for me and would protect me if he ever had to. It was just such a bizarre situation, falling for this man who was merely a child yesterday and wasn't even truly a legal adult yet.

About a week after my last outing, I woke up one morning to find a folded note on the kitchen table, with my name on it. I wondered if Harry had left it but it didn't look like his handwriting. I opened it and read, He's leaving town tonight and will return tomorrow night. Tomorrow 5 AM.


Clive came through after all. I had a good bit of angst, hoping it wasn't a trap, that Theodore hadn't set out to expose me and then ship me back to the US without even a good-bye to Harry. Even so, I set my alarm for 4:45 and hardly slept, anxious for what I was about to do.

The alarm blasted me from the sleep that I'd finally found in the wee hours of the morning. I got dressed and grabbed my phone, switching only the most necessary lights on and hoping not to wake Harry. The main house was dark with only the tiniest slivers of light beginning to peek through the windows. I used the flashlight on my phone and checked the doors that led into the house; sure enough, they were unlocked.

I crept into the house silently, hoping nothing creaked and that no one else was awake. I was terrified of getting caught, but motivated even more by my love for Harry. I made my way to the office and the doors were closed, but thankfully unlocked as well. I tiptoed inside and pulled one almost closed but I wanted to hear if there was any noise from the hallway signaling that others might be waking up. That was when I realized I didn't even know how many other servants Theodore had. I remembered the man who had brought my suitcase to my suite when I first arrived and the woman who usually brought the medication refills. Still, it was kind of twisted that I didn't even have full knowledge of everyone else who worked in this house and I'd been here for close to four months already.

I hesitated to turn on a light, but I decided to flick on a small desk lamp to help me with my search. I found the keys easily but I needed to use my phone flashlight again as I began searching through one, then another, then another file drawer in the numerous cabinets that lined Theodore's office.

It was all business-related material, drawer after drawer of mergers and financial reports and personnel for Blake Enterprises. It never really occurred to me before, but I wondered if Theodore was the owner or CEO or what. He'd never shared much about his personal or business life, but he was obviously successful at what he did. It was also obvious, as he had previously stated, that he conducted business from this very office since these kinds of files weren't usually stored in someone's home.

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