Chapter 9: The Payday

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I'd been a little doubtful of the agreed-upon amount I'd be paid,  especially when Theodore had changed the contract to reflect $150,000  instead of $100,000 in the blink of an eye

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I'd been a little doubtful of the agreed-upon amount I'd be paid, especially when Theodore had changed the contract to reflect $150,000 instead of $100,000 in the blink of an eye. Who threw that kind of money around? I didn't trust him and with good reason; he was extremely stingy with any information about Harry, he had already misled me about the job in general, and he clearly wasn't a loving and reasonable man.

Still, he showed up at the end of the first month and handed me $12,500 cash in US dollars. I'd never seen so much money in bills before. I stumbled and stuttered a bit before I said, "I...weren't you going to set up direct deposit for me? I was going to give you my account information, but I'm sorry I haven't had the chance-"

"No, that won't be happening," He interrupted. "I will pay you in cash. Once a month."

"Um, okay," I said. I didn't feel like arguing. Money was money. "Would it be okay if I take a day off next week? I'd like to go into town and explore a bit and find a place to wire the money to my parents so they can deposit it into my account." 

"Which day?" He asked impatiently.

"Saturday?" I ventured. Surprisingly, I wasn't too tired out from having worked for a month straight. Harry took naps often enough for me to get some down time and I really enjoyed being with him. I had been expecting to need much more rest because special needs kids often require a lot of patience due to their need for redirection and repetition, but Harry was very easy to teach and easy to be with. The only thing that was getting to me was being in the same space for so long. I couldn't understand how Harry didn't go crazy, but then again, he didn't seem to know there was anything different outside the four walls of his home and the expanse of his playground.

"Fine, Saturday will work. What is your expected departure and return time?" Theodore asked.

Always formal, at least I could count on that much from dear Mr. Styles. "I'd like to leave at 9 AM and return by 9 PM," I said confidently. Technically, it didn't even fit the "day off" profile since I would be back on duty when I returned, but I didn't feel like booking a hotel just to get a full 24 hours of respite. Harry would likely be asleep by the time I returned in the evening so I could still have some time to myself.

"Very well," he said and turned to leave but then stopped. "Will you need transportation?"

I hadn't thought of that, but I definitely couldn't get to the mainland on my own. "Yes, sir, if it's not too much trouble," I told him. Unless you let me drive one of your fancy sports cars, I added in my mind but I knew that was never going to happen. "And if you don't mind my asking, who will look after Harry while I'm gone?"

"I will take care of it," he said curtly. "Barrows will drive you into town at 9:00 on Saturday."

"Thank you."

I had my day planned out. I would go to a Western Union spot first and wire $10,000 to my parents to deposit into my account. I would take $1000 with me, just in case I wanted to do something really spectacular, but I doubted I would. It was the first time ever that I had a little "fun money" that I could even think about using on something superfluous. I'd keep the remaining $1500 at the house in a secure hiding place, just in case I wanted to save up for a longer getaway at some point.

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