Chapter 49: The Standoff

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Theodore gave me a chilling smile and said to the man next to him, "Chief Waters

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Theodore gave me a chilling smile and said to the man next to him, "Chief Waters. It appears these two trespassers started a fire on my property."

"No!" I cried. "We're not trespassers. We haven't been able to escape this place because of you!"

"Shut up!" Theodore screamed and moved the gun closer, pointing straight at my chest.

"Blake," Chief Waters said calmly. "Just put your gun down and we'll handle this." Every other police officer on site circled around us, drawing their guns.

"No!" He growled. "Not until you arrest these two! Can't you see my house is burning to the ground because of them?"

I kept my mouth shut for fear of Theodore pulling the trigger. I didn't even have the courage to put my hands up in a show of surrender. Harry stood next to me, squeezing the life out of my hand, terrified and equally helpless, unwilling to do anything that would cause Theodore to release a bullet from the chamber.

"Blake!" Chief said with a definite edge to his voice. "We have it under control, now put down the damn gun before someone gets hurt."

Theodore's eyes were wild with fury as waved the gun, first at me and then at Harry. Finally, he trained it back on me and with a click, he turned off the safety. I closed my eyes and swallowed the panic clawing up my throat. "You two have caused enough grief. It's time to end this."

Chief Waters firmly demanded, "Theodore, I'm giving you one more chance and then I'm going to place you under arrest. Drop the gun."

"NO!" He shrieked and spun around towards the chief, sending a bullet flying without a predetermined target. Three more bullets flew from the guns of surrounding officers, hitting Theodore in the chest, shoulder and thigh. Then they tackled him to the ground, forcing the gun from his hand. One radioed, "We have a man down, send immediate medical assistance."

Chief Waters turned back toward us and before I could even sigh in relief, he commanded, "Arrest those two and bring them in for questioning."

An officer by the name of Michaels yanked my arms behind my back and I cried out with the pain shooting through my injured shoulder. At the same time, Harry was being apprehended but he shouted, "Stop, she's hurt! Theodore shot her and she's injured."

Neither officer was swayed by Harry's story and Theodore, who was still conscious, pleaded weakly, "Don't listen to them. They will lie about anything to get away."

The chief walked over to me and spoke in a disparaging voice. "If you're shot, then where's the blood?"

"Three weeks ago," I whimpered. "We were trying to escape and he shot me. Or one of his men. And he beat Harry; don't you see the bruises on his face?" I asked.

The chief halted when I said Harry's name. He turned his attention over and asked, "What's your name, son?"

"Harry Edward Styles, sir. William Blake and Anne Styles were my parents," he looked at me with agony in his eyes because he knew I was in pain. He fought back his angered tears and said, "Theodore is my adoptive brother. He raised me and kept me in that place for twenty years." He tilted his head towards the burning building.

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