Chapter 29: The Threat

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I was so mystified by this turn of events that I hardly slept

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I was so mystified by this turn of events that I hardly slept. That's why the pharmacy said I had his date of birth wrong. It wasn't the wrong date, it was the wrong year. But why would Theodore lie to me - yet again - about Harry's age? He obviously wanted me to believe that Harry was a minor for some reason, but any reasonably intelligent person could figure out that he'd eventually turn 18. However, Harry was really 20, going on 21.

Harry was 20!

I wanted to know more before I just blurted that out to him, maybe see a birth certificate. Everything was so confusing. But damn, no wonder he seemed to be developed beyond even a pubescent teenager. He was an adult. But still the mystery remained, why was Theodore lying about Harry's age?

At this age, Harry was actually legally able to just walk out the door, but I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Or would it? Maybe I'd ask Theodore if Harry could come with me when I went to meet with Nathan Greenwood in a few weeks. Harry was undoubtedly old enough to give consent for his own representation. But he didn't even have a driver's license or anything to prove his age. I wondered if that would make a difference.

Or what if we just left? Harry and me. He could come back to Ohio with me and he could start a new life there. But I still didn't know much about his medical "conditions," although I suppose he could consent to having new medical evaluations done. And it wasn't just up to me - Harry had to want to leave, but this was the only place he'd ever lived as far as I knew, and the world outside was still kind of a big unknown for him. Then, there was the obvious issue of a passport and citizenship.

For most, if not all of those concerns, Harry would need to present a birth certificate.


I watched him at breakfast, marveling at him and how he'd managed to remain such a wonderful person. I felt a little less creepy about crushing on him, but the situation was still very complicated so clearly, it wouldn't be proper to admit my feelings to him. He was going through so much, and would likely continue to wade through many revelations and the resulting emotions in the coming months and years.

We were almost finished eating, when Theodore came storming into the suite, fury burning in his eyes. He must have found out I was snooping but I was appalled when he dragged me out of my seat by my arm and shoved me against the wall. "What is this?!" He screamed, showing me his phone. It was playing the video compilation I had sent to Charlie.

I had to get a handle on my own indignation before I spoke. "It looks to me like an invasion of privacy," I spat.

"You're my employee. I monitor your emails and phone calls. Shouldn't be news to you. But what the hell are you doing sending videos of Harry to a..." he glanced at the email, "...Dr. Charles Schulman?"

Fuck. I had promised Charlie I wouldn't involve him.

"I was concerned for Harry," I said in a steely tone. "Since you absolutely refuse to tell me anything about any of Harry's diagnoses, I had to take matters into my own hands."

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