Chapter 19: The Trip, Part 5

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Let me just say I'm very proud of the collage I made for this chapter! :)

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Let me just say I'm very proud of the collage I made for this chapter! :)

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That evening, our last in Calgary, we all dressed up in our best and Theodore took us out to a fancy Italian restaurant. Harry was honestly stunning in a black suit with a black velvet bowtie. If those girls from the zoo saw him now, I'm sure they'd be falling all over themselves. I almost was, but I wasn't going to admit it. Theodore was equally stunning and I could at least see that good looks ran in the family.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Theodore opened the car door for me while I gracefully slid out of the seat and Harry took notice. Theodore took the opportunity to instruct his son. "When you're with a woman, you should open the door for her and let her go first," which he did, again, ushering me through the entrance to the restaurant with his hand lightly touching my back. When we arrived at the table, Theodore instructed, "Now you pull out her chair like this." He did so and I sat down while Theodore scooted my chair in gently.

"Can I try? " Harry asked. I stood up again and stepped away from the table. Harry pulled the chair out exactly like Theodore did and then gently pushed the chair in for me.

"Why thank you," I said with a grateful smile.

I had been consistently surprised by Theodore during this trip, and that didn't change at dinner. "So, Harry, what have you been learning in school?" He asked.

Harry's face became enormously expressive. "Lots of things. I love math. We do multiplication and division, decimals, fractions. I love it all!"

"He's at about a sixth grade math level now," I told Theodore and he nodded appreciatively. It was still a bit strange for me to see him so...interactive. But I guess I was finally getting to know the real him after working for him for almost two months. I didn't know much about his line of work so maybe it had been a stressful time when he first hired me. He had wanted me to start as soon as possible, so it was obvious he needed help.

Harry continued, "We are reading and writing and I love every single book I read."

"That's great," Theodore answered, seeming quite genuine in his praise and Harry took notice with a grand smile.

"We're learning science," Harry kept going. "About bugs and animals and rocks and all that stuff." He took a few bites and then he blurted out, "And Jules told me about sex."

I huffed out a laugh and closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Excuse me?" Theodore sat stunned.

I took a deep breath and explained, "Harry is a seventeen-year-old boy who knew nothing about his body and why it was changing and what it was certain...situations. I told him that everything happening with his body is very natural and then I showed him a very tasteful video about puberty." Heat was erupting in my cheeks as I spoke but I continued. "He needs to learn these things. Preferably from a parent." I cocked my head as a slight challenge to him.

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