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Ratchet's Pov:

I finally made it for them so they could travel to Cybertron and back and it was air tight so they would just get compressed by the atmosphere and they've got blasters so they can kill "zombie 'cons", I'm sure Optimus would agree that with this armour there are more peop- er... bots to fight against Decepticons and the armour doesn't take blast damage so they are good to go.

Miko's Pov:

The bots just came back from Cybertron carrying loads of energon cubes, "What's that for?" I ask suspiciously "It's nothing... just for a project Ratchet is doing!" Bumblebee hurriedly replies. I try and give him my death stare but he probably noticed it and turned away. I stomp away in frustration trying to get away but Ratchet calls me. 

I walk-stomp over to Ratchets workshop and stare at him blankly. "I have made you, Jack and Rafael's armour and your's being the original," my black face turns to a smile "...But in order to put your armour on; I will have to call the other two in to see if they approve" Ratchet insisted "WHAT NO, besides I'm sure they will approve 'cuz they seemed really happy when I told them!" I half-scream at him. He huffed "Very well." he handed over the armour and let me put it on. I pressed the button which then transformed around me, making me the size of Arcee but a bit bigger. "THIS IS SO RAD!!" I screamed, "yes very... "rad" indeed Ratched said quite shook by the transformation. "So doc-bot what were the extra energon cubes for?" I asked, "Well your blasters require energon to work so I needed extra energon for the three of you" Ratchet explained. Woah I thought. However, I remembered something, my blasters, I transformed them and had real blasters on my hand,"WICKED, wait till I show the others!" I ran out the room before Ratchet could say anything. I see Optimus coming through the groundbridge so I just stand awkwardly... waiting. "Hello, Friend." OP greets me, 

"hiya Optimus," I reply, 

Optimus looks at me, "Why have you got the apex armour on, Miko?"

I smile viciously at Optiums and transform my arms into blaster pointing them at him, I earn a very satisfying terrified face...


(A/N) Has Miko turned evil??? /0o0\

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