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I can't believe I'm saying this but the school is so RAD! Like it's way big and just super cool the teachers are like really nice and just... woah! I met a girl called Maddison who's super pretty and loves everything I love! I mean the boys are great and all but they're not in my year and it's just hard 'cuz I don't have anyone to talk to in class, so I stare at the clock for years. There's only a couple of days till summer and I can't wait, that was until Optimus ruined.

It's the end of school I said bye to Maddie and head to Bee's alt form,

"How's school?" he asked,

"Fine," I said,

"You seem to be getting maturer," he commented,

"I don't do mature" I muttered,

"Sure," he said sarcastically, "hey, Optimus said he wanted us on Cybertron," he said, I looked at his dashboard concerningly even though he couldn't see me.

~~~On Cybertron~~~

"Blah blah blah blah," Optimus said (He doesn't say blah, blah, blah, I just couldn't be bothered to write anything),

"It is time to give up the AllSpark, so we can create new life on Cybertron," Optimus said,

"No!" The team said,

"It cannot be avoided it must be done," he said, "However you shall all stay on Cybertron protecting it from evil and Megatron. Ratchet shall remain on Earth safeguarding our human allies" Ratchet looked down. Optimus when up into the sky and shot down to the core, later releasing millions of sparks that shot up like fireworks...

~~~3 Weeks Later~~~

The bots decided to stay on Cybertron so they could keep Megatron away from Earth. Bee asked if I wanted to come but I said no, but I'd come and visit.

"MIKO!" Raf shouted,

"What?" I grinned,

"I needed that!" He said pointing to the now smashed wrench,

"Geez... You sound like Ratchet" I smirk,

"I'll wipe that smirk right off your face in a minute" Ratchet called holding up a wrench,

"I could wipe that smirk off your face with my blaster... in fact let me demonstrate," I smirked aiming my blaster to the left of his head and shooting. The blast barely missed,

"I must have ACCIDENTALLY missed," I said sarcastically,

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Ratch shuddered,

"Scrap!" I said transforming and running off.

I drove over to town and waited for Maddison. A while later I saw her walking toward us with a man a little older than us, I got out of the car,

"Hey, Maddie!" I waved,

"Hi Miko!" she called,

"Who's the guy?" I asked,

"Oh, this is Sonny... he's mute," she said gesturing to him,

"Well hi Sonny," I said cheerily, he waved at me, "So then, wanna go to the candy store? I heard they have your faves" I said,

"Oh yes!" Maddie said.

~~~3 Hours Later~~~

After our fun day out we were walking around when Maddie said,

"I think we've had enough fun for one day, wanna go home?" she said,

"Sure!" I responded,

"Mind giving me a lift?" she asked,

"Er... Um... No, I walked... Soz" I said realising I couldn't transform in front of her,

"Oh... it's okay. Hey Sonny mind giving me a lift" she said, he nodded in approval,

"Well, bye... I guess," I shrugged,

"Bye," she said getting into the car and driving off.

As I drove to base, I happened to feel like I was being watched. It was getting sickeningly creepy that I drove away from the road and hid in a cave and transformed. I waited but the sensation didn't leave it stuck there. "H-hello!" I called out, a wave of anxiety went over me with a feeling of dread crossed in. Suddenly when I felt this day couldn't get worse, I felt a presence next to me standing as close as possible but I dare turn my head,

"Boo." It whispered in my audio receptors,

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed running out of the cave and transforming. I drove to the road and started speeding down it, but I was really far away from base,

:: RATCHET!:: I screamed through the com,

:: What's going on? Is everything okay?:: Ratchet commed,

:: NO! DOES IT SOUND LIKE I'M OKAY?:: I screamed ramming up the speed to 150MPH,

:: No... What seems to be the problem?:: He sighed calmly, fraging CALMLY,

:: I felt like I was being watched so I went and hid, but the... thing followed me and whispered boo in my audio receptors. HELP I'M BEING CHASED BY A CON, SOMEBODY SEND A GROUNDBRIDGE:: I started all over again with the screaming,

:: Okay, I'm sending a Groundbridge... now.:: he commed. I was still going at 150MPH when the 'bridge appear I went through it easy but as soon as I got to the other side I crashed into the wall and dent the front of my alt mode pretty bad,

"Ow..." I muttered,

"You weren't joking were you?" he said,

"Joking?" I said transforming, I winced at the pain,"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M JOKING?",

"No, calm down," he said,

"And your telling me," I huffed, walking toward my room,

"Where do you think you're going?" Ratchet roared,

"My room... duh!" I said sarcastically,

"Have you even looked at yourself?" he tuted. I looked down at my chassis and realised it was completely dented and it really hurt,

"Oh," I said embarrass I hadn't even realised it,

"Let's get you patched up," he sighed. I walked over to the med bay and sat down on the berth; I put my helm in my servos, 'Boi, life sure is hard without Bee' I thought...

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