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I started up at the top of the tent unable to get back to sleep when I heard Smokey say, "Y'know sometimes when I wake up I can't get back to a recharge." I attentively listened, "Um... are you even awake?" he suddenly asked,

"Yeah," I whispered,

"Okay," he yawned that was soon followed by a very awkward silence,

"So, do you want to tell me about your nightmare?" I asked,

"I dunno... how about you first?" he said, I thought for a moment,

"Okay," I reluctantly said. I told him the dream I had; I paused for a moment to think of his reaction: his optics wide and mouth hanging down, such a pity he was so far away yet so close. After I finished I waited patiently for Smokey but nothing happened,

"Are you gonna start?" I questioned,

"Aw, you were supposed to think I was asleep, what gave me away?" he whined,

"Seriously! You snore when you sleep!" I half laughed,

"Sure," he muttered, "But anyways. I was being attacked by 'cons and I was calling base for a 'bridge, but it never came. I soon found a hiding place and stayed there for what seemed like hours but really had only been 30 minutes. Ratchet then commed back a one-word answer he said no. I stared at nothing for a while until the realisation hit me on what he said; so I asked him why? Then Ratchet replied ask Optimus himself, I was really confused so I asked Optimus, his reply scarred me for life... er... in the dream anyway. 'Because of your foolish behaviour, you are putting the team and risk. Although Megatron killed them you caused it because they were trying to protect you. Now they are gone and you-' he started because I asked who was gone and he said, 'Arcee, Bumblebee, Bellabee and Bulkhead and because they are gone you are no longer apart of my team... you are a disappointment to the Autobot cause' I was so shaken by his reply I think I just fainted and that's when I fell off my bed" He said sadly,

"Hey, it's okay. Your dreams aren't half as bad as my ones are," I said softly trying to lighten the mood,

"You're... probably... right... like... always" he yawned before falling asleep followed by me.

Bumblebee's Pov:

I woke up alarmed to find Bee wasn't in her bed. I went over to Ratchet's room and knocked on the door knowing he's usually awake at this time; he opened the door and stared at me,

"What do you want... on a Saturday?" he grumbled,

"Bee has gone missing!" I mumbled, he mumbled something and looked at his arm to check where she was,

"She's here in the base," he said before closing the door, I just stood there for awhile. Before asking Bulk to help me find her.

~~~A few hours later~~~

Bellabee's Pov:

I woke up to a light snore coming next to me, must be Smokey. I got out of my tent clutching Tania my teddy bear, don't judge... i'm still Miko on the inside, I looked around remembering what we were talking about. I stood there stretching even though I didn't need to; I could hear panicked voices saying something but I didn't care. I opened the door and walked out when everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at me.

Bumblebee's Pov:

We heard a door open so we looked down the corridor to see none other than Bee herself, "What are you doing?" I tried to say calmly, "In Smokey's room?", she whipped around her teddy clutched firmly in her grasp,

"Me and Smokey had a camping sleepover thing and we were roasting marshmallows and talking," she yawned, a sudden pang of jealousy swept over me,

"Aw, man you could have invited meee," I whined,

"You were in a deep recharge that wasn't able to get you out of," she said before walking off to our room,

"YOU MISSED OUR PATROL!" I called after her,

"OKAY!" she shouted back.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Bellabee's Pov:

Me and Bee were talking about things when I got a call from Jack telling me and Raf to meet him in town. "Can you give me a lift?" I asked Bee, "It's been a long time,"

"Sure... Miko!" He laughed,

"I haven't heard that name in ages," I admitted.

Jack and Raf and me were walking around town trying to find something to do when I felt someone was watching us,

"Do you feel like your being watched?" I shuddered,

"No," They said, I turned around for a sec and though I saw Soundwave... but in human form and with an IPad constantly in his face.

"Dude you have got to have seen that!" I almost shouted too loudly,

"What there's nothing?" Raf said i pointed over at the creepy alleyway,

"There," I said, but whatever was there was gone, "But I swear I saw Soundwave" I whined,

"Miko there's no one there," Jack said,

"I. Don't. Care! I'm going to check out who was there" I said running off,

"MIKOOOOOoooooo..." Jack's voice trailed off.

I ran to the alleyway and looked around at on the other side was a guy that looked like Megatron who had his back against me, 

"Well if it isn't the Optimus Prime's human pet" He spat turning around to face me, "the one they call Miko!"

"What do you want" I snarled,

"Nothing, in fact, tell anyone we met and I will. Kill. You!" he said before walking off, I just stared after him.

General Narration:

But lurking in the shadows was the real Soundwave recording everything for Megatron... their plan was coming together. Jack and Raf found Miko staring at the road deeply, she seemed so concentrated on doing it,

"Miko... Earth to Miko!" Jack shouted,

"Huh? What? Oh hey guys," she muttered,

"Did you find the Soundwave guy?" Raf asked tensing up a bit,

"No, I think he... ran off," I muttered,

"Okay?" Jack said suspiciously,

"Can we go to base something doesn't feel right," I said before fainting...


(A/N) Hello, i'm back :D. I had a half-term holiday so I stopped writing. The book got to 100 reads, that's like so good for me, but then you see the other books that are on like 50K reads like... Damn, but oh well. BTW Happy Halloween!  \('W')/

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